Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quality of Online Comments

Please note . . . when you are asked to Comment online . . . first and foremost, you MUST comment, so you will need to make certain that you can comply with the request. You may need to register with Google to comment -- it's free, so please do it!

Then, when you comment, please note that I am looking for detailed answers (unless I say otherwise). I suggest you click down to the IQ Air ad and look specifically at Comments by Taz, Noor, Ghalya, and Hibba -- note how they structured and organized their responses and provided detailed answers. Several other students provided good comments, but the four I mentioned did the best job overall -- please follow their lead!

Check the blog frequently because I will post ads for you to critique (as well as other possible online assignments) and each counts toward your grade!  

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