Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Wednesday 16 May 2012. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Swim Camp: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Monday 14 May 2012. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Office Depot: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then Comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Wednesday 9 May 2012. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Does This Ad Work? Why or Why Not?

You can click on the ad to enlarge it.

You are required to post two different comments:

1.  Study the ad, and then use the Comments section to explain why you think it works, or doesn't work. Be specific! If you say the ad works, explain what you would do to improve the ad. If you say the ad doesn't work, explain why and explain what you would do to improve the ad.

2.  Comment on the comments of one of your classmates. Agree or disagree with their comments and explain why.

All students must use Comments. I will not grade any comments sent to me via email. If you cannot use Comments, meet with a colleague from the classroom and find out what you need to do differently. Or consult with IT.

Deadline for both of your comments is Monday at 3 p.m.