Monday, May 7, 2012

Office Depot: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then Comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Wednesday 9 May 2012. 


  1. I think this advertisement definitely works. My reasons are:

    1) The advertisement includes a condensed USP “Carry your own world” which refers back to the visual of the bag, as a globe. This is appealing to customers.
    2) It includes the different types of products that are available in Office Depot that can be included in the bag.
    3) The visuals are attractive where they’re using the bag as the earth and the objects orbiting around it, to seem as if they are traveling around the globe. Also, this can be used to refer back to the subhead of, “Get a bag & pack it with travel essentials”. This can be a big eye catcher to potential prospects.
    4) The advertisement clearly has a target market for people who love to travel and are interested in technology.
    5) The ad states where the location of the store is, and includes a phone number, which is good for ad tracking. But, the best thing they have done is added a PIN barcode for Blackberry users, potential customers scan the barcode into their phones and the company gets the exact number of people who have seen the advertisement, thus not lose money on the ad.
    6) The positioning of the product name is nice as it the first thing you see when you look at the advertisement.
    7) The advertisement includes many vital things every ad should have. For example, the product name, “Office Depot” and the company name, “M.H. Alshaya Co.”. As well, a call to action “Get a bag…”.
    8) The colors used are attractive. The color blue, which is calming and relaxing, and the color red for the appearance of energy.

    Ghalya Khuraibet 8060

    1. Noor Abou Seido
      ID: 6032

      I agree with Ghalya as I think that this ad does work. As Ghalya mentioned, the visuals are very attractive and it is very smart to have the bag as the Earth and the objects orbiting around it. Also, the PIN barcode enables for ad tracking which is very important for a company to know how many individuals saw the ad and responded to it. Finally, as Ghalya states, the ad includes crucial elements such as the action step and the name of the company. As a result, we can conclude that all the points that Ghalya mentioned would contribute to the effectiveness of this advertisement.

    2. I disagree with Ghalya, the ad has no ad tracking and no risk reversal which makes it very unattractive to many consumers. Also there is no location or phone number for people to contact them.

      Dina alfozan 9250

    3. While I, too, prefer that ads are specifically tracked, and they include a risk reversal, keep in mind that retailers think differently, and maybe correctly. First, the ad could possibly be tracked by sales of the item they are promoting for sale -- if they only placed the ad in a newspaper, for example, and they sold 100 of the items promoted, that would serve as tracking. Also, retailers generally provide money back if you return an item unused. So if I buy the item and I get it home and decide I really don't like it, or it's too big, too small, whatever, I can take it back, in perfect condition, and get all of my money back. I have discovered in Kuwait that you may have to haggle with them to get your money back for a returned item, but so far I've been able to do so.

  2. First of all, I see this add is working. Because of the following:
    1. The name of product mentioned clearly (office depot )
    2. It has all the AIDA ‘s elements ( gains the attention with colors , keep interest when benefits are mentioned , building the desire , move to action be the headline get a bag & pack it with travel essentials )
    3. It has almost the elements of Ads as following:
    • Headline which I think is stated well and in the same time it is the name of the product.
    • It has the visual which also considered as picture of the product.
    • No risk reversal provided.
    • The type elements are very well chosen ( the font type and size, the headline font , easy to read, and co-hence with the Ad colors )
    • Ad track (the barcode) is unique and technologist.
    • The info of the company + the name of it.
    • The contact info is mentioned (call 24954570 + call 22581069 )
    • More than one visual which I think it is important to grab the attention.

    Things need improvement:
    • Add more benefits.
    • Use digital medium as twitter account or Facebook page to make it easy to be contacted.
    • Risk reversal because customers will pay.

    Talal Al-Enezi

    1. I agree with Talal. The advertisement includes all the elements of AIDA. Also, the headline is appealing as it refer back to the product. The type size and colors are eye catching and attractive. As well, he states that they have contact information and an attention grabbing visual. I agree that the advertisement includes many essential elements all ad's should have.

      Ghalya Khuraibet 8060

    2. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
      ID# 4973

      I agree that digital media could be used such as Facebook or maybe a website should be added. I also agree that the type elements are great whether type size, font or color. The visuals also show the products and relate to the condensed USP in a logical attractive way.

      I just want to make it clear that "Office Depot" is the name of the company, this company sells many different brands and products such as phones, laptops, notebooks.. etc; Alshaya is the retail franchise operator.

    3. I disagree with Talal al Enzi. The ad contains the QR code which eradicates the need for any social media such as facebook or twitter to be mentioned as means of communication. The QR code basically serves as a link to their main website and any other social media accounts they might have.

    4. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
      ID: 4026
      I agree with Talal al Enzi as I think that this ad does work. As Talal stated, the headline is clear, the PIN barcode is a smart idea and is a way to track the ad, and the colors used in this ad helps in gaining attention which is the first element in AIDA. Therefore, we can say that all these reasons would make the ad work.

  3. I like it, I think this ad works so effectively..
    This ad has the elements that make any ad works
    1- The headline with red color to catch the customer's eyes
    2- The visuals and the back ground design very well with the convertible colors
    3- The ad tracking they put many ways to contact
    4- They have the USP
    5- The action step
    They used all this elements in good way with very nice design..Really it's a creative idea
    I believe if you like the ad as a customer's and you find what you need in the ad, it will work

    Awss Al-Daour

    1. I agree with Awss the ad would work, but not so effectively. For example, they didn't provide any kind of risk reversal.

      Mariam Al Musallam

    2. I agree with Aws in most of his points. I liked the headline & the design also, but the ad tracking was bit poor & need to be improved. I also don't think that this ad has the elements that make any ad works. I think it can be better with the same idea.

      Best Regards Aws ;)

      Khalifa M. Husain

    3. I agree with Awss , the Ad is worthy and makes any Ad workable.
      The elements are related to the Ad idea, it is eye catching and flashing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like the ad, and it works perfectly for the following reasons:

    1- It has a USP "Carry your own world".
    2- The headline in red color is catchy to the eyes.
    3- Visuals are perfect. Well chosen.
    4- There's an ad track which are their phone numbers.
    5- The idea of using the code that when you scan it in your phone you get their phone number. Intelligent way of ad tracking!
    6- The ad was designed in a smart way. Very creative.

    The ad works perfectly. Very creative one.

    Hamad Alsammahi

  6. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
    ID# 4973

    This ad works for the following reasons:

    1- First of all, Office Depot is a global supplier of office products and services. The name of the company is clearly stated in the ad.
    2- The colors in the ad do not disturb the eyes.
    3- The body text is red which makes it stand out.
    4- The Headline is the name of the company “Office Depot”.
    5- There is a condensed USP, which is, “Carry your own world”.
    6- There are action steps, “CALL”, “Get..”, “pack..”, and “Carry..”.
    7- The primary visual serves the condensed USP. The primary visual is a case surrounded by things a traveler might carry along on a trip.
    8- There is ad tracking. The QR code is the way to track how many people see the ad.
    9- There are two phone numbers provided for both stores located in Kuwait. The contact information provided allow people to call for further information.
    10- There is also the logo of the retail franchise operator “M. H. Alshaya Co.”.
    11- The addresses on the ad help people know where exactly the stores are located.
    12- The sky background gives the feeling of travelling and flying.

    If I were to improve the ad, I would:

    1- Place the name of the company in the bottom and the red line above it.
    2- Make the condensed USP the headline by making it bigger.
    3- Add a sentence about the sizes of the cases available and the starting price. (I saw that there are different colors and sizes as I walked by it today.)
    4- Add risk reversal by adding a very small line in the bottom mentioning the return or exchange policy.

    1. I agree with Tasneem that adding risk reversal will improve the Ad. However, there are a lot of other creative ideas that could work effectively rather than small line in the bottom mentioning the return or exchange policy. For example; putting a red stamp that you can exchange or refund within 10 days, if you are not satisfied.

  7. Comment on Ghalya Khuraibet response
    1. I do not agree that the Ad conveys the message that Office Depot also sells other products such as laptops, cameras, ipad, mobiles. Because of the headline and the image , it focuses on the business traveler and the need to pack all the travelling essentials in one bag.
    2. I believe that the other products shown in the ad is to indicate that these are travel essentials required by frequent travelers and can be comfortably packed in the travel bag.
    3. I do not agree that the product USP is highlighted in the ad , the caption “carry your own world” is not a USP, it is only a headline for the ad.
    4. I agree that the ad is targeted towards the traveler .
    5. I agree that the ad is visually appealing.

    Noor Al-Mansour

  8. In my opinion, the Ad is not fully effective , there are plus and minus points . Points to show why the Ad works:
    1. Good headline : The ad has a good headline “ carry your own world”. It is a scientifically proven fact that headline is the most important part of an ad and 5 times as many people read headlines as compared to the body copy of an ad. Therefore, there are more chances for the reader to go on and read the rest of the ad.
    2. Visual impact : The Ad is visually impressive and is also a good example of digital art. It stands out as a good advertisement since the product speaks an idea, conveys a message that the product is designed for the travelling customer.
    3. Target customer : The ad is geared towards grabbing the attention of the frequent traveler who will need a compact bag which can hold travel essentials. The caption “get a bag and pack it with essentials” coupled with the image of revolving products which a traveler would normally take along during travel is tailored for the attention of a frequent traveler.
    4. Good color scheme – the color combinations of blue and white sky along with red font for the text is appealing.
    5. Ad tracking – Although the address and phone number is mentioned, the ad lacks ad tracking since there are no email addresses or auto responders to find out whether the ad is working.
    Noor Al-Mansour

  9. (cont.)
    Points to be improved in order to make the ad more effective
    1. Customers might mistake the product name with the store name. ie, is Office Depot the product name or the name of the Store which sells travel bags. This need to be clearly distinguished.
    2. Brand logo not highlighted: the product logo needs to be highlighted in the ad.
    3. Product price, offers and different models to choose should be highlighted in the ad to attract customers.
    4. Product benefits and USP not highlighted: the product USP which makes it unique, more valuable, and more visible in the market is not apparent. There is nothing in the ad to show that the product is the best in the market.
    Noor Al-Mansour

  10. Noor Abou Seido
    ID: 6032

    I think that this ad works because of the following reasons:
    1) The ad provides contact information and the location of the store.
    2) The ad has ad tracking which is the PIN barcode. The company can track down the ad by knowing how many individuals scanned the PIN barcode. Also, if the phone numbers provided in the ad are only used for this ad, then they serve as a way to track the advertisement.
    3) The primary visual grabs attention as it shows a bag and the different products that can be packed in it. Also, the visual is consistent with the body copy of the advertisement.
    4) The background is an image of the sky which indicates traveling.
    5) The ad has an action step which is “Get a bag & pack it with travel essentials.”
    6) The color of the font used in the ad grabs attention. Additionally, the color red reflects importance and therefore, using red as the color of the font in the ad might remind the customer with the travel “essentials.” Moreover, the color red also reflects love and using it might indicate that the company hopes that you love and enjoy your vacation.
    7) The ad has a condensed USP which is “Carry your own world.” This condensed USP relates to the visual used which makes the ad effective.
    8) The body copy is to the point and delivers the message directly to the intended target.
    9) The ad has a clear intended target which consists of: individuals who love to travel, who have the desire to stay connected with their family and friends during their vacation, and who enjoy using technology.

    However, this ad does not have a risk reversal. Therefore, putting a risk reversal in the ad such as “If the product does not work, you can get your money back,” would make this ad even more effective.

    1. I do agree with noor opinion and what she mention about the visuals specially the background image when she said that the sky represent traveling, also about the target market she describes there segment in logical way.
      In addition her improvement will perfectly work for the ad and risk reversal will perfect in this advertisement.

      Shahad 3726

    2. Fajer Salmeen
      ID: 4798

      I do agree with Noor when she mentioned the action step. It's true that this action step is effective. Also, adding risk revirsal will be more suitable to make this add perfect.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think this ad works because of several reasons :

    1. the visuals represent the product in a good way with simple details on it that show the quality of the product.
    2. the headline and the USP is very attractive and its creative as well " carry your own world" which means the customers can carry all there need and staff in a safe and big place to it .
    3. the colors are bright which can attract readers and its create exposure .
    4. through the visuals they do a good job to attract there target segments.
    5. through the subheads the customer can easily know about the product without lots of non necessary description.
    6. the product cut clear and in my opinion its perfect.
    7. the contact information are well placed and its easy to the customers to contact the company.
    8. product name is clear.
    9. there is an action steps in the headline " carry your own world", " pack it with travel essential" and call the number.

    I like the ad and I think adding ad tracking through coupons for discount will be great idea and will attract more customers.

    Shahad 3726

  13. This ad works because:

    1- The store name is clear and it's placed in the top and in the middle of the ad which makes it visible.
    2- The background color was an appropriate choice and was not too dark which makes the ad readable.
    3- The catch-phrase "carry your own world" was definitely a smart choice because it reflects the fact that Office Depot offers all necessary travel essentials. "Carry your own world" also reflects the diversity of the products offered by Office Depot.
    4- Font size and color was appropriate.
    5- The visuals used for the ad are attractive. The picture of the world's map on the suitcase relates to the catch-phrase used. The floating objects around the suitcase (notepad, iPad, camera, cellphone, pens and coloring pencils) clarify what is meant by travel essentials. The fact that all these objects are connected by the science symbol also elucidate the line of business Office Depot is in, offering school and office supplies.
    6- The QR code is included which is a very potent element in marketing.
    7- The ad is easy on the eyes and readable and only contains necessary, concise information. Get a bag and pack it with travel essentials spells out the purpose of the ad without being too wordy.
    8- The ad shows the store location and phone number which eliminates the burden of having it to find it.

    Rawan alduaij

  14. Fajer Salmeen

    I D: 4798

    I loved the ad very much. It works for sure and that is because of the following reasons:

    1- The color that is used is so simple as you can see it's background of the sky. As a result, the whole ad can attract the customer directly to the visual and to what is written.

    2- The visual is very creative. In my opinion, I could clearly understand what the ad is all about from the first look.

    3- The USP is really great which is " Carry your own world ". There is a great connection between it and the visual.

    4- There is an ad tracking which is the bar code pin where customers can know more about the product.

    5- The font is really nice which is posted with good color. Red is considered strong color that grap the attention and I liked it.

    6- The body is directly to the point and provides what the customer needs.

    7- There is a contact information and the location of the store.

    But, I didn't like the size of the contact information because if it could be bigger, it would be better.

    Also, there is no risk riversal where the customer can be satisfied if the product did'nt work with him/her.

    1. I disagree with Fajer about the risk reversal; I don’t think that risk reversal is a good idea in this case. Reason being, it is too much of a risk to the company to provide risk reversal if the customer didn’t like the product. I think if they do not include a risk reversal they won’t be taking such a huge risk.

    2. Risk reversal is an issue for lots of you. Remember that when a company includes risk reversal in an ad, the company almost always increases sales. Yes, it's a risk that people will return the product, but if you sell 20% more product with risk reversal than without it, and 5% of the people return the product -- you're far ahead. . . . Also, don't be too afraid of risk reversal. If your product does what you promise, or what the ad promises, why worry? People buy the product because it promises to satisfy their needs -- if it does, why would they return it? Plus, if they return a product like a suitcase and it's in "perfect" condition, the retailer isn't out any money -- the retailer puts the suitcase back into inventory and waits for the next customer to buy it. If the suitcase has been used or damaged, then the retailer will not likely return the money to the buyer. The greater risk is for a restaurant -- if you say "Your money back if you don't enjoy the meal," and people eat the meal and ask for their money back, that's more of a risk because you can't resell that meal! On the other hand, people are often embarrassed to ask for their money back so the risk reversal usually results in added sales without much risk. . . . Also, you don't want to create unhappy customers. If your product doesn't satisfy and you won't return the money, people will tell their friends not to shop at your store, restaurant, etc. Meet the requirements of the consumer and don't be afraid of risk reversal.

  15. I really liked the ad overall, but it doesn't mean that it is a perfect ad for the following reasons:

    1- The visual elements and product cuts are well done and more attractive with the background of a blue sky, which is highly related to the target of this advertisement.

    2- Using the QR to track the ad., therefore it is not waste of money.

    3- Having Office Depot logo at the top of the ad; along with the franchisee logo in the bottom.

    4- Most of the ad elements are related to its contended target market.

    5- The condensed USP is attractive and motivator.

    6- Having two "call" action steps, although it is missing an action step for the locations to visit. It would be better to write (visit us at The Avenues...) instead of just providing the address to have stronger action steps.

    7- Using good font size for the text of the advertisement. It is easy to ready with good contrast.

    8- No risk reversal is provided to take out the fear of buying.

    9- The body should have a strong benefit statement.

    10- "Carry your own world" combined with "Get a bag.." seems like a very good combination of wording.

    Mariam Al Musallam

    1. i agree with Mariam with all of the points but the QR, because the QR is there but there is no action step to attract you to the QR if they have add Scan here and find out more details about our special offers or something that would be a useful way to track the ad but this way i think its poor tracking and wont work

      Sarmad Bjinika
      ID #5715

    2. I agree with Mariam Al Musallam,the elements are related to the Ad idea.

      Awss Al-Daour

  16. I think this ad work. It is not the best ad in the world but overall it work. I like the writing in this ad like in the headline “ carry your own word”. The colors are good, mixing the red with light blue work for this kind of business. The primary visual was nice, the design of the bag was very clear. I like how they minimize the text with least words they need but still did not kill the message & the creativity on it. I also like the use of new technology like the QR; it gives the image of modernization even if nobody used it. The contact information was bit few, they can add something more like the website (not all people use QR) or e-mail. The headline needs to be more prominent like make it bold. Again, overall it works & I like it but they can do better.

    Khalifa M. Husain

    1. I totally agree with Khalifa, it is a good ad but its not the best. I wanted to add something, the QR code is for ad tracking not "the contact info" but I agree with him when he said "not all people use QR". They could use a better ad tracking way.

  17. This Ad works for many reasons:
    1-Name of the product is provided in the headline in a very specific way (Office Depot). Also, the company’s name is mentioned ( Alshaya corporation).
    2-The used USP is so creative and expressive to gain people's attention and emotion ( Carry your own world)
    3-The provided primary visual is very attractive and it is full of movement that helps to identify the product cut (product design) and its benefits. Also, it attracts people’s attention.
    4-Ad has promotional strategy by providing another benefits and features to a customer when he or she buys the product. ( get a bag & pack it with travel essentials)

    5-The Ad is so comfortable because it is not busy at all. Just few colors are used, Red and Blue. For example; Red is a hot color always which is effective to grab people’s attention if it’s used in a correct way. Otherwise, a lot of red color will make the Ad too busy and eye tiring. Blue is a cold color and it is effective to calm people and make them feel comfortable. Therefore, when we use them in one Ad; the Ad will be balanced and attractive.

    6-Ad can be tracked by the action steps provided in the Ad (call 24954570- call 22581069) and the by scan the provided barcode.
    7-All information is provided such as addresses and contact numbers.
    8-Ad format is so organized. Also, the font suits the Ad which makes the Ad format organized.

    Abdulaziz Aljarrah
    ID: 2985

  18. I believe this ad works perfectly for many reasons
    1-The creativity of the design is amazing, the idea is very catchy with the map of the world in the suit case is just brilliant.

    2-Action step is there (Carry, Get, Pack, Call) and delivered the message

    3- The headline is there nice and clear with the name of the company.

    4- Ad tracking is a bit poor with the code placed there, they should have added Scan the code and find out more about special offer or something to get the attention to it, not just put it there.

    5- Contact information numbers and branches locations are stated in the ad for anyone who dont know where is it located.

    6- the colors of the ad like the background its a sky image makes you feel relaxed and comfy looking at the ad in the same time the red font catches your eyes and get your attention.

    Sarmad Bjinika 5715

    1. I disagree with Sarmad, I think the ad doesn’t work at all, as I stated in my comment. I think the existing ad elements are not enough to attract people. The idea he mentioned for ad tracking (Scan the code and find out more about special offer) changed the definition for ad tracking. On the other hand, I think the ad tracking doesn’t help the ad to be more appealing for people, I think its for the company’s own good.

  19. I think this ad works for the following reasons:
    1. The heading is clearly shown, it is very attractive.
    2. The condensed USP is clearly shown.
    3. They used colors that immediately attract attention; the ad would stand out easily.
    4. They mentioned the logo of the franchiser, which makes people aware of who it is.
    5. The visual they used is really good; the way in which they placed all the travel essentials is very attractive and smart.
    6. They provided enough information of where they are located and how to reach them.
    7. The world map on the bag is very relevant to the message they are trying to convey.
    8. The background of the blue sky is highly related to its intended target market for this advertisement specifically.
    9. There was right amount of information, which makes the ad more readable than ignored.
    10. They provided the bar code, which can be used as ad tracking.

    What I would improve in this ad:
    1. I would eliminate the red lines from the ad because they are distracting.
    2. I would use different colors for the subtitles to make the heading stand out.
    3. I would only include products that are actually sold in the store, not to mislead the audience about the products offered in the store.

  20. I think this ad works because of the following reasons:

    1- It has a good USP and catchy "Carry your own world"

    2- The brilliant idea of the design, the world map on the bag.

    3- Active verbs used well in this add "Carry, get, pack, call"

    4- QR code used for ad tracking which is good

    5- The color used for the headline, subheads, USPs is red, which can catch the eye of the consumer easily.

    6- The address is mentioned also the phone number.

    I think this ad could be perfect by using social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The ad tracking "QR code" could be improved by adding an active verb such as "scan this"

    1. I agree with Anas, the USP is catchy and calls to action to come and buy, the design and the suitcase is creative, simple and very attractive. All the factors come together to make the ad a success; including the contact information and benefiting the brand by adding the QR to track the success of the ad.

  21. Although, I adore the primary visual, the colors and layout, I think the ad does not work at all for many reasons.
    1) The ad has no information about the store or the products it sells. Personally, I never heard about office depot and I do not know what he word (depot) means. Therefore, the ad has no value for me; I thought office depot is a travel agency.
    2) The ad doesn’t have a new concept, means, no promotion or discount.
    3) The headline is catchy, but once a reader is attracted, he/she can’t know what does the headline mean unless the reader is a regular customer of office depot or had heard about it before.
    I opened their website to find out what is office depot. It turned out to be office furniture, supplies and products.
    I think there are few things to be done in order to make this ad work.
    1) Insert copy that tells readers about the products this store sells.
    2) State that office depot started selling bags. The subhead (get a bag & pack it) might not indicate that the store now sells bags as well.
    3) A web address should be added.
    4) A Risk reversal statement will absolutely make the ad more attractive and effective.
    5) State some benefits and features for buying office depot products.
    6) Add an action step such as; visit, buy and enjoy our luxurious products.
    7) Have a better brand positioning that enhances the mental idea of the brand identity. For instance; include words such as luxury, elite and best in order to indicate the quality of the products and the fancy brand image.

    1. ID# 4973

      I disagree with the first point you mentioned. The visuals actually represent products that Office Depot sell.

      I also disagree with your second point as well, because they are promoting the travel cases they sell along with other products that can be taken on a trip.

      I do agree though that the ad might be misleading, if you do not know the store nor the meaning of the word "depot".

  22. I think the Ad works for the following reasons:

    - Call to action (Get a bag and pack it)
    - Visuals used are simple and creative, very attractive
    - Brand and logo are clear and visible
    - Contacts are available, QR code for tracking and will help the brands social media pages

    Overall the ad is attractive, clear, and very beneficial to the brand, I believe its a success.

    Khalid Dashti
    # 5799

  23. I think this advertisment would definetly work for the following reasons:
    1) The ad has simple pictures used which makes it easy for people to understand what its about.
    2) It shows how people can put all personal belongings in 1 bag and carry them all over.
    3) Ad tracking is used efficiently, it shows the 2 branches location and telephone numbers.
    4) Using simple colours is a very good idea, the colour red is simple and appealing.
    5) Providing a Blackberry code for people to scan helps people know more about Office Depot and its offers through there smart phone.

    1. I agree with mohammed regarding all the points he has given, usage of the blackberry code is a very smart effiecient step to keep consumers aware about the latest offers. I also agree that the ad emphasizes what people can carry using the product. Understanding what the offer is in this ad is easy to idetify therefore interprated efficiently by consumers.

    2. Mohammad Barakat 6987. . Thank you Farouq
      God bless♥

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It's good to see you two "body builders" supporting each other. God bless you both.

      Meanwhile, for a definition of body building, body builder, and muscle, take a look at your colleague Sarmad.

  24. I find this ad very amusing to the eyes of a consumer for the following reasons:
    1-The title of the company is clearly listed in big font at the top of the ad making it easy for consumers to remember
    2-The product cut is indivual and presented very nicely in a theme that attracts consumer who travel often.
    3-Ad tracking is possible in several approaches such ad through the hotlines provided or through the barcode given for blackberry users.
    4-The audience that Office Depo is targeting is very simple to identify,which is consumers who like to travel and enjoy the usage of technology which are the product surrounding the travelling bag.
    5- A very attractive condensed usp simple to read.
    6-The usage of visuals rather than text is what made this ad stand out and look appealing to a consumer
    7- Colours promote the moods of the consumer therefore in this ad, they promote postive and optimistic moods.
    8- Action steps are given such as "Call" giving guidance to consumers of what to do.
    I found no room for improvements in this ad.

    1. I definetly agree with Mr.Samhouri's comment as he mentioned excellent points about the ad's heading and product cut. His points about the colours and ad tracking is correct as he explained them in a way simple to understand.

  25. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
    ID: 4026

    I think that this ad works because of the following reasons:
    1) The ad is attractive and the layout is good as it brings your eyes directly to the primary visual.
    2) The ad has a condensed USP which is “Carry your own world.” I like the condensed USP as it indicates control over my world.
    3) The colors used in the ad give you the feeling of the sky and the sea; therefore, indicates traveling around the world.
    4) The ad is simple which would attract to you read it.
    5) The ad is easy to read as it does not have too information and therefore, you would not ignore it.
    6) The ad provides contact information.
    7) The ad has many action steps such as “Carry,” “Get,” and “Call.”

  26. The ad does not work for the following reasons:
    1. There is not enough information about the products or place.
    2. Its not attractive due to the lack of promotions. For example, there is no coupon or discount.
    3. There is no risk reversal.
    4. Office depot has more to offer than just travel products.
