Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Swim Camp: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Monday 14 May 2012. 


  1. The ad works perfectly for the following reasons:

    1- The design layout & colors are chosen perfectly.
    2- It shows the benefits.
    3- A lot of primary visuals.
    4- Contact information is shown.

    But still the ad needs some improvement in:

    1- Grammar is not correct. Ex: Advance Club Swim. Correction: Advance swimming club.
    2- No Facebook, Twitter page.
    3- The logo in the upper right has some white lines that has to be removed.
    4- In the contact information there is another word choosing mistake, Area should be replaced with Block.

    Over all, the ad works very well and it's very attractive.

    1. Agree with Hamad the design and colors are chosen perfectly,the benefits is shown but not that good, many primary visuals provided its good and catchy and different contact information provided which is good.
      the grammar is huge mistake in the ad, Facebook and twitter is optional as they have provided the Website.. the logo can not be removed its the company logo.

  2. In my opinion, the Ad works for the following reasons:
    1. Good headline: The ad has a good headline “summer swim camp” and will attract the reader to go on and read the rest of the ad.
    2. Visual impact: The Ad is visually appealing and has the right image content.
    3. Target customer: The ad is geared towards grabbing the attention of the target customers – adults, families and kids.
    4. Good color scheme – the color combinations of blue and white is appealing and font size is appropriate.
    5. Ad tracking – Although the address and phone number is mentioned, the ad lacks ad tracking since there are no email addresses , facebook, twitter links or auto responders to find out whether the ad is working.

    Points to be improved in order to make the ad more effective
    1. Early bird / family discount package not offered to attract customers.
    2. Credentials and certifications of the swimming instructors to be highlighted to make the ad more effective.
    3. Product price not highlighted in the ad to attract customers.
    4. Product USP and unique factors about the swim camp not highlighted.
    5. It is not clear if there are separate pools for ladies, this should be highlighted, otherwise the response is likely to be low.
    6. The word “advance club swim” is incorrect and needs to be corrected to “advance swim club”.

    Noor Al-Mansour

    1. I agree with Noor in most of her points. especially the product USP & the price. I guess they will save so much calls if they just put it there because everybody will call just to know the price. I just might disagree in two simple things, first the headline & second the colors. for the headline " Summer Swim Camp " I think it is not attractive so much. it's just a name for the camp, nothing special. & for colors, it's too bluish.

      Best Regards

      Khalifa M. Husain

  3. Comment on Hamad Alsammahi response
    1. I agree that the layout and colors are appropriately chosen for the Ad.
    2. I do not agree that the ad shows the benefits , this is because the USP is not highlighted.
    3. I agree that the ad visuals are appealing.
    4. I agree that contact information is shown and is an essential information required for class registration.
    5. I agree that there is a grammatical error in the ad, the word advance club swim should be corrected to advance swimming club, as suggested by Hamad.
    6. I do not agree that there is a mistake in address, the location address is correct.
    7. I agree that the ad can be improved and may result in better response , if facebook and twitter links are mentioned.

    Noor Al-Mansour

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This Ad may works, there are good and bad points.

    We learned in the class the elements and a reason that makes any ad works, this ad has some of these elements.

    But still I believe if you like the ad, finding what you need, catch your eyes with moving your feelings, with creative ideas or designs and satisfy your motivated it will work

    1- The headline with the large size that catch the customer's eyes.
    2- The visuals and the back ground design well with the baby blue color.
    3- The ad tracking, they put many ways to contact.
    4- They provide information about their activities.

    But they need:
    1- Action step to make it more attractive
    2- Provide information because it's a camp
    3- No need for risk reverses in this ad
    It may catch the customer's eyes; there are ideas in the ad but not so creative and not designed well.
    The ad good for children so it will work if the child was obtrusive

    1. Noor Abou Seido
      ID: 6032

      I agree with Awss as I think that the ad does work. As Awss mentioned if the ad grabs your attention, move your feelings, and satisfy your needs, then it will work. I also agree that having “Call us” or “Join us” in the ad would have been more effective. However, as the ad grabs attention and builds your desire to join the camp, then we can conclude that the ad does work.

    2. Although children are prospects of this camp, at the end the parents will make the decision of buying this service. Therefore, it should attract the attention of children and their parents also, using good ad elements and provide more things that will let the parents go for action and buy the services.

  6. Noor Abou Seido
    ID: 6032

    I think that this ad does work and this is because of the following reasons:
    1) The visuals showing the kids swimming in the pool are very attractive and they give you the feeling of joining them. Also, it is very smart to use kids in an ad as it would grab attention; this is because we all love kids.
    2) The use of the smiling sun indicates the summer holiday and the joy that people have during their summer holiday. Also, the use of the color blue in this ad indicates the color of the pool and it is well used. This is because by looking at the ad you can feel that it is related to summer and the sea.
    3) The headline “Summer Swim Camp” relates to the visuals and the colors used in this advertisement.
    4) The location of the camp is available in the ad and the exact address is given.
    5) Contact information is provided in this ad which makes it easier for the customer to ask for more information by simply calling the numbers provided in the advertisement. The contact information provided can be a way to track the ad only if the phone numbers used are specifically used for this advertisement. In this case, there will be ad tracking.
    6) The beginning date and ending date are provided in the advertisement. Also, the timing of the camp is provided.
    7) The body copy is to the point and delivers the message directly. Also, the body copy describes what the “Summer Swim Camp” consists of.

    However, this ad lacks information about the prices of the “Summer Swim Camp.” Also, having “Call us” or “Join us” would have been more effective. Finally, having something in the ad such as “You can see your kids while they are swimming” would make parents feel more comfortable sending their kids to the camp.

    1. I agree with Noor in her points,the elements are related to the Ad idea...It's true that adding action step will be effective.

      Awss Al-Daour

    2. I agree with Noor about the ad working. And also, she pointed out that the ad lacks an action step which is very important in an ad. By adding "Call us" or "Join us" it will definitely improve the ad.

      Dina AlFozan 9250

    3. Fajer Salmeen
      ID 4798

      I agree with all Noor's points espically when she mentioned that adding "You can see your kids while they are swimming" will be more effective because of course the parents won't be concerned on their children. So, adding this statement will attract more customers for sure.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. In my opinion this ad does not work for the following reasons:

    1- No risk reversal provided to take out the fear of joining summer swim camp.
    2- There are lots of contact information provided such as the address and phone numbers, but without any action step verbs.
    3- It lacks professionalism of designing the visuals of the ad., therefore it looks kind of old school ad. Nevertheless, they used some attractive visuals with kids swimming.
    4- No ad tracking to track the investment of the ad, unless they used specific phone numbers for this specific ad.
    5- The body copy lacks of some more information and benefits of this camp.
    6- No condensed USP.

    On the other hand, the good things about this ad are the following:
    1- The colors are attractive.
    2- The headline is also attractive with great font size.
    3- The font size of the body text is large enough to be easily read.
    4- There are lots of contact information, although its without action step verbs and social media accounts.

    1. i disagree with Mariam regarding her very first point. what would a risk reversal be in this case? its hard to measure if what the summer swim camp did what it had to do. especially that the ad did not promise that it will stick to specific standard.

    2. I disagree with Mariam. I think that this ad works, but it need to be fixed to be better.
      I think the body text shows that there are days for men and other days for women, and that there are lessons, they could add that there would also be surprises or fun and games to show more benefits.
      I also disagree with what Mariam says about the visuals. The visuals are so appealing and representative of what the summer camp is all about. They may not be so professional, yet they serve the purpose.

  9. Theoretically, this ad is almost perfect. Great visuals, contacts information was good, the headline position & size was good also, & even the logo of the organization was in a good position. I liked how they used the clip-arts & the photographs for visuals & that might affect children & adults. Clip arts attract children & photographs attract adults. They present the service they provide in a good way. For colors, overall was good but I didn't like how so bluish it is. I like also how the depends on the visuals rather than too many texts. But something was missing & I think it is the slogan or the sentence that people use to memorize & stick in people minds. That’s made it a bit rigid. Improving this ad come by replace the headline with more attractive one. Also, by enlarging the photographs. Changing the colors & adding an attractive slogan were mentioned before.

    Khalifa M. Husain

    1. I agree with Khalifa about most of the points he mentioned above, but I might disagree with the him about the design layout, I see it was designed well but needs some improvements to make it more better. Anyway, Khalifa is a good designer and he can see things that aren't done well in the ad.

  10. The ad does works for the following reasons:
    1) It is catchy. The different shades of blue catches the attention of the consumer
    2) The visuals provided of kids of all ages enjoying their time at the pool are attractive.
    3) All the contact information is listed on the ad.
    4) The headline is in a larger font which makes it stand out.

    The ad can be improved in the following ways:
    1) There are grammatical errors like: “Advance Club Swim” which should be corrected with “Advance Swimming Club.” Also, “ladies Swim”, “gents swim” is grammatically incorrect as well. The proper way to say this could be: “Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome to swim.”
    2) What is the “16.00 – 19.00 “ for? If they mean the price, then they should write “KD” after each so it makes more sense.
    3) There is no social media used like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

    1. I agree with Dina that this ad grabs attention in terms of the visuals, headline, and the contact information that are provided in the ad. I also agree that they should add a social media so the ad can be trackable.

      Monirah 6299

    2. I agree totally with Miss Dina. She mentioned the missing info and the good things like the head line , colors, primary visuals, and the contact info.
      I just want to clarify one point to Miss Dina which is about the timing 16.00 – 19.00 , I think it is clear that it about 4 PM – 7 PM.

      Talal Alenezi

  11. The ad works for the following reasons;
    1- The visual is creative with the sun enjoying the summer is catchy, also the blue color in the same time gives you comfy mood to look at it and read it.
    2- the visuals are there
    3- Their target people is shown, kids who want to have activities in the summer.
    4- The information about the school and the contact details
    5- the ad tracking with the mobile phone numbers also with extension number make a good ad tracking.
    6-the website is provided as well
    most of the important elements is there in the ad but its missing some points
    1- the Action step ! there is no action step in the ad
    2- the grammar !! its british school and they still have grammar mistakes in their ad ! negative image for the school .

    Sarmad Bjinika

  12. Abdulaziz Aljarrah
    ID: 2985
    This Ad works for many reasons:
    1-Name of the service is provided in the headline in a very specific way (summer swim camp). Also, the company’s name is mentioned (British Academy of Sport).
    3-The provided primary visual is very attractive and it is full of movement that helps to identify the service (picture of sun wearing sunglass). Also, it attracts people’s attention.
    4-Ad has been provided all benefits and features to a customer when he or she joins the service.
    5-The Ad is so comfortable because it is not busy at all. Just few colors are used, yellow and blue. For example; yellow is a hot color always which is effective to grab people’s attention if it’s used in a correct way. Otherwise, a lot of yellow color will make the Ad too busy and eye tiring. Blue is a cold color and it is effective to calm people and make them feel comfortable. Therefore, when we use them in one Ad; the Ad will be balanced and attractive.
    6-Ad can be tracked by the contacts information provided in the Ad (address, telephone number, mobile numbers and their website)
    7-All information is provided such as addresses and contact numbers.
    8-Ad format is so organized. Also, the font suits the Ad which makes the Ad format organized.

    Abdulaziz Aljarrah
    ID: 2985

  13. I agree with Hamad if they add Facebook page or Twitter account that would be much better to improve the Ad. Also, I agree with him that they show all the benefits of their service.

  14. I believe that this ad works very well. Yet, there are some improvements that must be done in order to make it more appealing for its target.
    This ad works because:
    1) The theme, font, and colors are very appealing to its target.
    2) The contact information is clearly shown in the ad.
    3) The visuals are very appealing and they perfectly fit into the ad.
    4) The date and time are clearly shown in the ad.
    5) The address of the school is also very clear.

    The improvements that must be done are:
    1) Fixing their grammar mistake in “advance club swim”.
    2) Adding an action step.
    3) Adding additional information for their target in terms of the age specified for the swimming lessons and the names of the coaches.

    Monirah 6299

    1. I disagree with Monirah in that they don’t have to provide the names of the coaches because that would just cause too much clutter in the ad. They already provided enough contact information that allows them to call and enquire about who will be coaching their children.

    2. I agree with Monirah in all parts of her comment as she stated clearly the reasons why this ad might work. The points she mentioned about the improvments that must be done are 100% correct and i agree with her.
      Mohammad Barakat 6987

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I think the ad works very well for the following reasons:

    1) The headline is in large font which is a good method to grab the readers eye.
    2) The colours used are very appealing and attractive.
    3) Telephone numbers are provided for people to call.
    4) Email and location address are also provided for people to locate.
    5) Timings and dates of the event are clearly stated.
    6) The Primary visual (The sun) on the top left is catchy and attractive for children and adults.

    Mohammad Barakat, 6987

    1. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
      ID: 4026

      I agree with Mohammad as I think that the ad does work. As Mohammad mentioned the headline is in a large type size, the colors used are attractive, and the location is provided in the advertisement. Also, the visual of the sun grabs attention as it reflects the summer season. As a result, we can conclude that due to these reasons the ad does work.

  17. I think this ad works for the following reasons:
    1. The colors they used clearly show the message they are trying to send to people, because when people see “blue” they immediately think about water.
    2. The font of the ad is great and it makes people interested in knowing what the ad is all about.
    3. The body text is straight to the point, they only mentioned the important points and didn’t provide too much unnecessary information
    4. They provided all types of contact information.
    5. The primary visuals they used are fun and exciting, which is exactly the message they are trying to send out.
    6. They clearly state the opening hours, who are their sponsors and where they are located.
    7. The background of the blue sky is highly related to its intended target market for this advertisement specifically.

    What I would improve:
    1. The grammar used and the layout of the pictures lack professionalism.
    2. An action step should’ve been provided
    3. No condensed USP.
    4. They did not provide any information about how much this camp costs.
    5. They didn’t talk about any safety measures takes.

    1. I agree with most of Hibba's points, such as:
      1-The use of the blue color to indicate to allow people to think about water.
      2-THe font indicates what the ad is talking about.
      3-Exiciting and catchy primary visuals
      4-They provided adequate amounts of contact information for consumers to find them.
      5-The background or theme indicates is very alike to its target market therefore would work efficiently.

      I also agree with her improvement pointers about the condensed usp and grammar mistake.

      Regards, Farouq Samhouri 6003

  18. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
    ID: 4026

    I think that this ad does work because of the following reasons:
    1) The ad gives you the feeling of joy and having fun. This is reflected by the colors used in the ad and the visuals showing the kids swimming.
    2) The location of the camp is provided in the ad.
    3) The contact information is provided in the ad. Also, a website is given in the ad.
    4) The visuals show kids with different ages. As the visuals show kids swimming in the pool this would grab attention because having a baby or a kid in an ad would make it work.
    5) The starting and ending dates of the camp is given in the ad. The camp will be during summer which would allow people to enjoy their summer holiday by joining the camp.

    However, if the ad had an action step such us “Join us” or “Visit us” that would have made the ad more effective.

    1. I agree with Saoud, the ad works perfectly for the reasons he provided, as well as stating the benefits and features in the ad. i also agree that the visuals are catchy but i recommend adding a picture of the professional couches that will train the children, so that the ad will be more credible and trust worthy.

  19. I find this ad effective for the following reasons:

    1-The primary visual and theme of the ad were both representing the "Summer Swimming Camp" therefore work effectively on the consumers. There are several primary visuals which also look appealing to their target market ( which are families with kids willing to join or learn how to swim)
    2-The title is presented in the right font to catch the readers eye and understand what the whole ad is about.
    3-The location and contact information is clearly stated in a good format for consumers to find or contact the camp easily.
    4-The duration of the camp and the timings of its availability are also stated therefore readers are aware when to sign up or have an opportunity to plan ahead.
    The color texture of the rest of the ad is presented in a very appealing way .

    However there are some improvement and alterations required such as:
    1-"Advanced club swim" should be immediately changed as spelling mistakes could send off the wrong message to the consumers. Therefore should be changed to "Advanced swim club"
    2-Consumers should be able to contact the camp using social media such as a Facebook and Twitter page, also if in need to more information.
    3-Another idea that could enhance the effectiveness of this ad would be to add a barcode for Blackberry users to keep update of offers and activities that will occur in the camp.
    4-A condensed usp would've worked wonders if available, an example could be "It can't get any better on a summer day".
    5-adding an action step is a very important in an ad, therefore the addition of "visit or call us now"
    could've also helped in attracting more consumers.

    1. I agree with Farouq in everything he said, specially on the condensed USP, that would add more effectiveness to the add.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. The Ad works for the following reasons:

    1- The colors and design expressing well the Ad purpose.
    2- It shows the benefits& features.
    3- A lot of primary visuals.
    4- Contact information is shown.
    5- Product cuts are shown.

    Improvement points:

    1- Grammar is not correct. (Advance club swim should be advance swimming club)
    2- No digital media used except the E-mail.
    3- The logo needs some good finishing.

    Talal Alenezi

  22. I think this ad works for its target market because of the following:

    1- The ad is attractive because of the primary visual that is used.
    2- The colors are attractive and gives the feeling of having a cool summer.
    3- The headline's font size is large enough to catch the eye of the consumer.
    4- The subheads provided to bring more categories of customers.
    5- The dates and the opening time for this camp is provided as well as the address of this summer camp.

    Overall the design is very effective and effective but I would do the following to improve it:

    1- Add action steps to make the advertisement more effective.
    2- Fix the grammar mistakes.
    3- I would provide the costs of joining the summer swim camp.

  23. I think this ad works good for many reasons.

    1) It flows perfectly according to the Z shape. The Z shape is the best especially if the first hot point started with a visual or a headline, and the ending hot point was the contact information.

    2) The colors are very attractive for children and very summery, goes well with the concept of the ad.

    3) The visuals are catchy, topic related and children friendly.

    4) The headline is very simple and straight to the point.

    5) The content is efficient and positioned well in the ad.

    6) Availability of contact information and logos.

    Few things to improve the ad:

    1) Mention age range for people who can join.

    2) Add prices to the ad, a discount for the 10 first subscribers will motivate people to call and subscribe faster.

    3) Action step should be added such as; call, join and enjoy.

    4) Add condensed USP. For instance, cool up your summer, swim with us!

    5) Have more information about the working team (coaches).

  24. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
    ID# 4973

    This ad works, but it has some errors that need to be fixed.

    It works because:
    1- The visuals are appealing and eye catching. They represent what this whole ad is about.
    2- The starting and ending dates are available on the ad.
    3- The location and contact information are provided in a neat and organized way.
    4- The logo is placed in the top right corner.
    5- The bullet points work well for this ad.
    6- The sizes and colors that are used for the body text are good and consistent with the overall design.
    7- Logos of the divisions of the British international are provided.

    Things to do to improve the ad:
    1- The ad is too blue; if there is more contrast in colors it would look better.
    2- I would write 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, instead of 16:00-19:00, because at first I thought what those numbers are.
    3- Add an action step, "Call now" or "Register now".
    4- I would proof read and fix grammatical errors.
    5- Use a larger font for the text written underneath the logos at the bottom, because it is so hard to see.
    6- Add the fees.
    7- Add a condensed USP since there isn't one provided.
    8- Use a better headline, for example, "COOL YOUR SUMMER" or "FUN WITH WATER".
    9- Add more digital media, Facebook or Twitter account.

  25. Fajer Salmeen
    ID 4798

    I loved this ad, it works indeed because of the following reasons :

    1- The contact information is posted so that the customer can get what he needs.

    2- The visuals are so nice because they give the feeling of joy and entertainment in the summer.

    3- I liked the smiling sun very much which describes the perfect summer holiday and its related perfectly with the other visuals of kids.

    4- The headline matches with everything in the ad and it represents clearly what the ad is all about.

    5-The location of the camp is posted.

    6- The date of the beginning and the ending time of the camp is also there.

    It's true that I liked it, but there are some little things that should be added like for example the action plan, and more benefits.
