Saturday, May 5, 2012

Does This Ad Work? Why or Why Not?

You can click on the ad to enlarge it.

You are required to post two different comments:

1.  Study the ad, and then use the Comments section to explain why you think it works, or doesn't work. Be specific! If you say the ad works, explain what you would do to improve the ad. If you say the ad doesn't work, explain why and explain what you would do to improve the ad.

2.  Comment on the comments of one of your classmates. Agree or disagree with their comments and explain why.

All students must use Comments. I will not grade any comments sent to me via email. If you cannot use Comments, meet with a colleague from the classroom and find out what you need to do differently. Or consult with IT.

Deadline for both of your comments is Monday at 3 p.m.   


  1. I think this advertisement does not work. Here are my reasons:

    1) The advertisement has too many words.
    2) The placement of the logo “Best of Kuwait” is positioned in the lower right corner, which is not very appealing.
    3) There should have been more product cuts apart from the primary visual seen.
    4) Even though they have the time, date and location, where is their ad tracking? How will they know people will actually attend their presentations?

    The things I would change differently about this advertisement:

    1) Instead of placing the logo on the lower right corner they should have positioned it in the center or the middle, which is more eye catching.
    2) The body should have been less wordy and should get to the main point. One good way is to take the information and put them in bullet points.
    3) There should be another visual. A picture of one of the categories, for example, diet centers, would look more attractive for the advertisement.
    4) Ad tracking. They should include a call to action with, “Call Now!” or “For more information, visit our…” this will benefit them in whether people will come to this event.
    5) They should’ve included any social media’s. Adding a Twitter or Facebook page is important as people nowadays automatically look for any sign of social media for more information.

    The only thing I think was done well, is the colors are attractive and go well with the theme of “Best of Kuwait”.

    1. I would have to disagree with you, Ghalya, and say that the ad does work, however your comments are useful in editing the ad to make it better and more interesting.
      The top three adjustments I would use from your suggestions are:
      1- The body should be less wordy, as I mentioned in my own comment people want to get to the point quickly which is why having too much said in a flyer is a bad idea.
      2. Ad tracking should be included in the flyer. I would combine ad tracking with social media, for example "Like us on Facebook for updates on the presentation" would be a good way of using social media and at the same time getting a rough idea on who is interesting in attending.
      3- Adding a visual. You made a good point by stating that having a picture of one of the categories would make the ad look much more attractive and approachable.

      Dina AlFozan

    2. Rawan alduaij

      I disagree with Ghalya Khuraibet in that I don't believe that a dark background color was a proper choice for the advertisement. In my opinion, a lighter shade of blue or a white background would have worked with the logo without creating a gloomy affect.

    3. I disagree with Ghalya in that i don't believe that they should provide the description in bullet points since it will take too much space. I think they should provide a brief description on what it is, but not more than 2 sentences.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awss Al-Daour

    I think it doesn't work, because of:
    1- There is nothing attractive in the ad
    2- The customers like visuals and there is no visuals only the logo
    3- Its looks like cheap ads no designs or something creative
    4-The colures not bad but not good
    5- No ad tracking

    The things I would change..
    1- I`ll change the full ad, customers need something attractive and creative to draws attention the hall designs really cheap anyone can do it.
    2- I`ll add visuals to the ad
    3- I`ll make the colures more bright to attract the eyes
    4- Add ad tracking
    5- Logo in the middle to imposes prestige
    6- Large headlines or photos/illustrations will work

    I believe the ads Work if it catches the customer's eyes, move feelings, include creative ideas or designs and satisfy customers motivated. However the logo designed very well and we see creative ideas in the class will work better than this ad

    1. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
      ID# 4973

      I agree with all the creativity related points that Awss mentioned. I also agree that a good ad must catch the eye, move feelings and satisfy customers, as it should state benefits. This would get more people to actually read the ad and probably have more people attend the event.

    2. i dont know what to say .... i absolutely AGREE with you

  4. The ad does work for the following reasons:
    1- It’s simple, clear and most importantly delivers the message intended.
    2- The colors match making it easy on the eyes.
    3- The font type used in the headline is different from the rest of the text that makes it stand out more.

    However, there are things that need improvement:
    1- There is no way to contact “Best of Kuwait” for any further inquiries or information. People may need to call in or visit a website for more information to get an address, or ask about the dress code or any other concern our prospective audience may have.
    2- The body copy is too much. People don’t need to know that students spent weeks researching these categories, this can be said on the website or in the presentation itself.
    3- There are no visuals of any sort. Visuals help people decide whether it is worth it to read the flyer or not, by not providing any it will make a lot of people feel too lazy to read through the whole flyer without a quick guess of what it may be about.

    Dina AlFozan

    1. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
      ID# 4973

      I totally disagree with Dina.

      The simplicity in this ad makes it look nonprofessional and boring; people might simply ignore it because it has neither attractive colors nor eye catching visuals. Most people tend to go for colors and visuals when it comes to ads.

      I do agree though with the points Dina mentioned to improve the ad.

    2. I disagree with Dina also in her first three points; the ad was too simple in a bad way. It can be simple & creative at the same time but it's not. I think the color is so close to the color of the text that makes it annoying to read. The headline is different but too far than it should be. It breaks the theme of the ad anyway.

      Best Regards

      Khalifa M. Husain

    3. i agree with Dina about the simplicity benefit, but, we should not forget the problem of ad avoidance that people do unconsciously. therefore, the ad should have an element that makes it stand out to cut through clutter and reach the consumers' eyes.

    4. I do not agree that the ad adequately conveys the message since the intended audience is not clear , the benefits to the audience is not apparent.
      I agree that there is no way to contact “Best of Kuwait “ for enquiry or information. There is no Ad tracking.
      I do not agree that the body copy is too much. I agree that there was no need to mention that student spent weeks for research and surveys. Instead , they should have highlighted the benefits for the audience.
      I agree that there are no visuals, to complement the ad, photos of previous similar gust events should have been included.

      Noor Al-Mansour

  5. This ad doesn't work. First, if the segment the ad is targeting is youth, that style will not work for them. If the segment is academics or researchers it might work because these people get motivated by texts or benefits they will get but youths are not most of the time. Technically, the primary visual that used in this ad is poor and need to be my opinion, for this kind of events the ad must depends on its visual & use better colors. Another point, is this font is appropriate for this event or is it a bit old fashion & need to be changed? I think the second one. The headline, “you are invited “is so often used in the market & it’s not creative. The text could be organized much better than that way. Sorry but, what is so special in this ad? It doesn’t motivate me at all.

    Khalifa M. Husain

    1. i agree with khalifa that this ad is not attracting at all, but i think the text here needs to be improved and added to even if youth was targeted. Everyone will wonder why should they attend these presentation. the ad should have the answer for that question, especially that the source of information is not well known like Service Hero for instance. therefore, the body text should be improved and include more information about the advanced research methodologies used to complete these studies. that will work perfectly, especially if this ad is targeting business owners or upper class youth.

    2. Khalifa and I agree that this ad doesn't work very well. It's not attractive. The design it self needs more development, primary visual is poor, colors and text doesn't work. A good example of a good campaign would be Service Hero as Reem mentioned above.

  6. Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
    ID# 4973

    I think that this ad does not work for the following reasons:
    1- It is very plain and lacks creativity. A ten year old can do something like that easily.
    2- Using only blue and yellow for the ad makes the ad dull and unattractive.
    3- Other than the logo, there are no visuals.
    4- No ad tracking. There is no way to know how many people saw the ad.
    5- No contact information provided. No one will be able to ask for further information because there is no Facebook page, no Twitter account, no phone number and no e-mail.
    6- The name of the university is not stated properly. I do not find it professional to use only the initials of the university (GUST).
    7- The headline is so cliché.
    8- There are no benefits. Why would people come if they do not benefit from attending?
    9- The body text seemed to me as a final project task rather than an invitation that explains what the event is about.
    10- I do not like having the logo in the bottom right corner because then it would not be the first thing people look at when they see the ad.

    To improve the ad, I would:
    1- Use the colors of the Kuwaiti flag, because this event concerns Kuwaiti people.
    2- Add more visuals to show the specific categories that will be discussed.
    3- Create a more attractive layout for the ad that will catch the eye and make people curious about what this ad is about.
    4- Use a different and more attracting headline that would clearly state a benefit, such as: "Know the best to be the best", or "Know where to spend your money".
    5- Properly state the name of the university. "Gulf University for Science and Technology MBA students proudly invite you to… ".
    6- Improve the body text. For example: state that business owners will be invited including the winners of best of Kuwait.
    7- Add unique contact information which will help people call for more details and help track the ad.
    8- Add W6-200 next to the location to make it easier for people to get there.
    9- Place the logo in the top or in the bottom, but it should be centered.

    The information provided at the bottom left of the ad are eye catching and clear. I liked that the categories are listed using bullet points.

    1. Noor Abou Seido
      ID: 6032

      I do agree with Taz as I think that this ad does not work. As Taz mentioned that the ad has no ad tracking, there is no contact information provided, and there is no benefit stated for attending the event. As a result, we can conclude that all these reasons do not make the ad work.

      However, I do not agree with Taz regarding the colors used in the ad as I think that the colors of the ad reflect consistency which would grab attention. Therefore, I think that the choice of the colors used in the ad is good.

    2. Fajer Salmeen
      ID: 4798

      I totally agree with Taz when she mentioed that there are no benefits or contact information, and it is true that this ad is so simple.But when it comes to the university name, I actually didn't find any problem in the way they posted.

  7. Noor Abou Seido
    ID: 6032

    I think that this ad does not work because of the following reasons:
    1) It is true that the time, date, and location are available, but there isn’t any contact information provided by this advertisement.
    2) No action step.
    3) No ad tracking; this is very important in an advertisement. This is because we need to know how many individuals saw the ad and responded to it and this information would allow us to decide whether the ad was a good investment or a bad investment.
    4) No benefit provided. The ad is simply informing us about the event and what will happen during the event, but it does not provide us with any benefit. The benefit might be to know the top three businesses in these seven categories. However, it is not very clear that this is the benefit provided by the advertisement.

    I would do the following to improve the ad:
    1) Provide contact information such as a phone number, a website, or a Twitter account.
    2) Add an action step such as “Call us” or “Visit us” or even “Follow us.”
    3) Add ad tracking. I would place a specific phone number or a website just for this advertisement. In this way, I would be able to track the ad and therefore, decide whether it is a good investment or a bad investment by the number of people who responded to the advertisement.
    4) I would make the benefit more clear by saying “You will benefit from attending by knowing where to spend your money in Kuwait.”
    5) I would change the body copy into something that would build desire to attend rather than just explaining what the event is and what will happen during the event.

    However, the colors used in the ad matches the logo of “Best of Kuwait” which would grab attention as the colors of the ad reflect consistency. Additionally, I like that the logo of GUST is located behind the logo of “Best of Kuwait.” I think it is a smart thing to do.

    1. I agree with Noor. I also think that the advertisement does not work. As she stated that they should have added more contact information, action step, and better ad tracking. The advertisement lacks these things, which are vital in any ad. Also, as she says the colors used are attractive and grab attention. The color blue is an appealing color and also it matches the themes of “Best of Kuwait” and GUST.

      Ghalya Khuraibet 8060

    2. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
      ID: 4026

      I agree with Noor as I think that the ad does not work. As Noor said this ad needs to have contact information, an action step, and ad tracking. However, I do not agree with Noor regarding the colors used in this advertisement. This is because I think that the colors are not appealing and therefore, would not grab attention.

  8. This ad does not work for the following obvious reasons:

    1- Bad title choice – Using "You Are Invited" as the title for the ad says nothing about the ad itself. This catch phrase could have been part of the ad but should have not been used as the title. Even the logo "Best of Kuwait" would have been a better title choice.
    2- Bad font usage for the title – The fancy script used for the title and the color used for the title not only confuses the reader but may also cause them to walk away from the ad altogether.
    3- The position of the title – The position of the title is right above the first sentence in the
    advertisement. Some space between the first sentence and the title would have had a better effect on the title.
    4- Lack of imagery – Including an image would have served the advertisement since sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Lack of imagery made the ad boring and unattractive.
    5- Grammar mistakes – The paragraph in this ad is made up of fragments. The sentences aren't linked properly and are confusing and hard to follow.
    6- Background Color – The color used for the background in this ad is too dark. A better choice would have been a white background or at least a lighter shade of blue. The color chosen for this ad made it seem uninteresting and boring. A lighter shade would have been more attractive and eye-catching.
    7- Too much information –This ad should have been concise and to the point. The entire paragraph could have been excluded from the ad without affecting it.
    8- Logo position – The position of the logo at the bottom was definitely a poor choice. The logo should have been placed on the top right or left side of the advertisement.
    9- Inconsistent font size – The use of inconsistent font size for information of equal importance was confusing. The list of industries in this ad should have been the same size as the font used for the rest of the advertisement.

    Rawan alduaij

    1. I agree with Rawan that this ad doesn't work because of the countless mistakes in the ad. I also agree with her recommendations for improving this boring ad in terms of the title choice, the space needed between the title and the body text, including an image, excluding some text, and font size considerations.

      Monirah 6299

  9. Sarmad Bjinika
    The Ad does not work for many reasons :
    1. The text is too much and so basic talking about the event nothing that attractive or catchy about it
    2. Colors of the ad not very attractive as its cold color it does not give excitement or attraction
    3. No contact information at all ! No FB page or Twitter account
    4. GUST mishref is not enough it should say Gulf University for Science and Technology
    5. The Headline font is not the best to deliver the message or to catch the attention

    the creativity was in the way the logo was done how the GUST logo is shaded in the background of the "Best of Kuwait" logo

    To improve it id suggest
    1. To make the background lighter color would attract more attention
    2. The headline font should be clear and bigger
    3. Less Text
    4. Add the Facebook and twitter pages
    5. Add a special phone number for more questions and details also would be an ad tracker
    6. maybe just make the full background shadow of the Best of kuwait logo

    1. I agree with with Sarmad on point No.2. The colors are very cold and they're not eye catchy at all. I also agree on No.5, it is kind of hard to read, specially with the "I" letter.

  10. I think this ad does not work perfectly. Although, I like the colors, the edited logo and the headline, I think there are some elements that need improvement.

    1) The layout could be improved, for example, the bullet points would have looked better if placed in an inclined or sloppy way \ \.

    2) The text should be written in bold so it will be easy to read.

    3) "Teams of students (will have spent)" that should be corrected to " teams of students had spent"

    4) The body copy itself is not so catchy or attractive, people who would read the ad or attend the event won't be interested which class those students are taking. People would be interesting in knowing what are the standards or methodologies followed in the research process.

    5) Contact information should be provided in case readers wanted to know more about this event.

    6) More visuals can be used to enrich the colors of the ad, for example; logos of researched brands could be placed at the bottom of the ad in a straight line or above the Best of Kuwait logo in a collage design.

    7) An action step would help motivating readers to attend the event. For instance; "seize the opportunity to recognize the best and book your seat, call ########"

    1. I agree with Reem, the grammer mistakes, the fact that it needs more visuals, a better positioned logo all show that the ad is in desperate need for improvement.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think the ad doesn't work for the following reasons:
    1. The colors are dull, they don’t attract the audience.
    2. The headlines' font is too complicated and not clear.
    3. There are no visuals (besides the logo) that are striking.
    4. They didn’t provide contact information for people that want to know more about the event.
    5. They didn’t mention how long the event is going to be and what time it will end. This makes the people confused and unaware of how long the event is.
    6. The description is too detailed and people would not be able to read it quickly, most of them wouldn’t want to take time and read the ad. The English it doesn’t sound professional.
    7. There was no ad tracking to see how well the ad worked and how many people came specifically after seeing the ad.
    8. They didn’t emphasize on the GUST name or logo. Which makes it seem like the place isn’t relevant even though it’s a university project.

    What I would do to improve the ad:

    1. I would place the logo on the top of the ad since it’s the name of the event. I would also make it larger so it’s the first thing people notice.
    2. I would limit the description to the industries and one small sentence explaining what they're going to do.
    3. I would use more visuals such as images of some of the industries to make the ad more attractive. I would also change the background and heading colors to make it interesting.
    4. I would make sure that there is more emphasis on the place, date and location. I would also add when the event is going to end so that people don’t think it'll last all night.
    5. I would add incentives such as: samples from some of the industries that were discussed to encourage people to participate in the event, this will also make it easier for me to know how effective the ad was.
    6. I would state who is invited to the event. For example: the owners of the industries, students, GUST faculty etc.

    1. I agree with Hibba for many reasons like the fact that the colors used were dull and unattractive to readers. That the logo was misplaced and should be put at the top of the ad.The fact that she also had mutual feelings regarding the visuals and the lack of contact information. I found her pointers on how to improve the ad such as adding sample of some industries as a relatively great idea. One last point that she stated and i found vital, would be that the duration of this event was not mentioned what so ever in the ad, giving readers no exact timings on how to plan their trip to the event.

  13. The ad does not work for the following reasons:

    1-Text is small and doesn't catch the eyes of a reader.
    2-No ad tracking, how will you be able to know how many people read the ad?
    3-How can I call, message or tweet for more information. There isn't any contact information.
    4-Logo's should be at the top of the ad where you can see them when you first look at the ad.
    5-No visuals besides the logo. An ad creater should by now be able to know that people recognize visuals, they memorize images and then remember them when they come across again. If all the ad is using is plain text, no one would probably be interested in attending this event.
    6-If text is the only thing you see in this ad, it doesn't really amuse you enough to read it.

    Improve the Ad by:

    1-Enlarging text, making it easy for readers to spot the keywords and the main message behind it.
    2-Add more visuals, the most important and vital step to approach. Visuals could be a businessman enjoying a random event. That way readers could relate to the ad, making is look more professional.
    3-Add contact information. A hotline where people could reach someone for more information. Add the Twitter and Facebook page. Over 800 million users are on them now!
    4-Replace the logo to the top middle headline where it can clearly stand out like an independent brand image.
    5-Less text and more action steps are always a win to an ad. Therefore add more action steps and reduce the amount of text used in the ad.

    Farouq Samhouri

    1. I totally agree with Mr Samhouri, we should definetly add more text inorder for people to see and also add more text as i mentioned in my comment. Most importantly add contact information inorder for people to call and track. Also providing a Twitter and Facebook page would be useful.

  14. The ad doesn't work for the following reasons:

    1- The text is too small, hard to read.
    2- The design isn't attractive at all, reader want something colorful to attract them.
    3- More visuals needed.
    4- The logo needs to be centered in the top middle.
    5- No contact information.
    6- No ad tracking.

    The Ad can be improved by:

    1- Add more visuals in order to attract the reader.
    2- Text's font need to be changed, as the well its color.
    3- Contact information must be shown in the bottom of the ad. Facebook, Twitter, Email, or phone number.
    4- A USP is needed in this ad. A way to get the reader's attention.

    Hamad Alsammahi

    1. I agree with Hamid Alsammahi on the improvement areas. But I don't agree on his opinion that the Ad is not working specially on the point # 4 because the logo looks better in the current place.

    2. I agree with Hamad that Ad does not work at all .For the same of my resoans:
      1- too busy
      2- Add more visuals
      3- Add contact No to trace the Ad.

      Abdulaziz Aljarrah
      ID :2985

  15. In my opinion, this ad doesn't work because:
    1) The font used for the headline is very confusing and not clear at all.
    2) Since the background is blue, we can't use navy as the font color. The color contrast is not compatible which makes it boring to look at; and eventually people will not read it.
    3) There's no ad tracking provided in the ad.
    4) There isn't any contact information and host name provided in the ad.

    In order to improve this ad I would recommend:
    1) Changing the colors of the ad.
    2) Changing the headline into a clear one.
    3) Changing the detailed information into clear and concise body text.
    4) Adding contact information for people to ask about the event.
    5) Adding the host's name for the public in order for them to know who they are dealing with.

    Monirah 6299

    1. I do agree with Monirah's opinion on the ad and also her improvement ideas to make it better , and I would like to mention that she describe her opinion shortly but she has a good improvement ideas specially about the colors and the headline, and the description.

      Shahad 3726

  16. First of all, I see this add is working. Because of the following:
    1. The name of event mentioned
    2. It has all the AIDA ‘s elements ( gains the attention with colors , keep interest when benefits are mentioned , building the desire , move to action be the headline you are invited )
    3. It has almost the elements of Ads as following:
    • Headline which I think is stated well and in the same time it is the action step.
    • The service that will be provided is mentioned.
    • The benefits of the event are mentioned.
    • It has the visual which also considered as logo of the event (Best Of Kuwait)
    • No risk reversal provided because the event entrance for free, so no need of risk reversal.
    • The type elements are very well chosen ( the font type and size, the headline font , easy to read, and co-hence with the Ad colors )
    Things need improvement:
    • Add more visual because the pictures is saying more that the words.
    • Contact info missing ( no phone# , no twitter account , no e-mail , no Facebook page)
    • The size of the Ad is small in my point of view.

    Talal Al-Enezi

  17. Saoud Nader Al-Rujaib
    ID: 4026

    I think that this ad does not work because of the following reasons:
    1) There is no benefit provided by the advertisement.
    2) The colors of the ad are not attractive.
    3) No contact information provided; therefore if someone is interested he would not know how to communicate or from where to get more information.
    4) No ad tracking.
    5) The font used for the headline does not grab attention as it hard to read the first letter of each word.

    I would do the following to improve the ad:
    1) I would state a benefit for attending the event such as “Get to know what the best in Kuwait is.”
    2) Change the colors of the ad into red and white instead of yellow and blue.
    3) Provide contact information such as a phone number.
    4) Add ad tracking such as a phone number that is only used for this advertisement.
    5) Change the font used for the headline into a font that would be readable.

  18. I think the ad it not effective and it does not work for several reasons:

    1. there is lots of words which make it boring to the reader.
    2. its look like an invitation more than an ad .
    3.the logo should be placed on the middle top of the ad.
    3. the colors should be more attractive
    4. there is no visuals in this ad except the "logo" and there is no product cuts in there.
    5. writing the headline in yellow might make not clear to read.
    6. there is no any contact information such as Facebook page or twitter account.

    I would do the following to improve it:
    1.make short explanation with the most important information.
    2. change the headline to "LETS FIND OUT" to make it look like an ad not an invitation.
    3.add more visuals to the ad and change the colors of the back round and the headline color as well.
    4. add a contact information or example " follow us on twitter " or " visit our Facebook page".

    Shahad 3726

  19. I think this ad works because of the following:

    1- The information about the event is clear.
    2- They used the yellow color in the important things that they want to attract the eyes of the target audience in the headline, categories, date, time, and location.

    But it doesn't work because of the following:

    1- The font used in the headline is not clear.
    2- The There is no ad tracking
    3- The design of the ad can be improved and make it more attractive.

    I would do the following to imoprove the ad:

    1- Add more visuals to grab the attention of the target audiuence.
    2- Use ad tracking such as sending an email to the Best of Kuwait email adress is a reqiurment to attend the event.
    3- Use social media links in the ad to let the target audience get more info about the event.
    4- I would change the font of the headline.
    5- Use more specific attracting info in the body text.

    Anas AL-Dhoubiri

  20. bahaa osama
    id: 5291

    i think this ad is very weak in many aspects like:
    one the headline is very weak becausese it like action step that make the reader not that interested in ad
    2-there is no product cuts in the ads that shows what is the event about
    3-the primary visual is available in the corner
    4-it has a lot words that does not attract the reader and it makes it boring

    think that should be improved
    1-more prduct cuts visual that will make the reader more interested to read the ad
    2-the primary visual should be in the centre of the ad to attract the reader
    3-the ad tracking should me more specific for the people to know where the event is held
    4-the ad should have shport sentences with big meannings and less words.

    1. I agree with bahaa because the ad is very weak in the think that he said.

    2. thank you awss ...we have the same vision

  21. Fajer Salmeen
    I D : 4798

    This advertisement doesn't work at all because there are many things are missing :

    1- NO visuals
    2- The colors are ysed are not attractive
    3-There are no benefits mentioend where the customer can from them and understand the ad better
    4-The logo is posted in unappropriate place
    5-No ad tracking, so how suppose to know how many people noticed the ad
    6-Where are the contact information? ? How can the customer ask about the ad or the event?

    To improve the ad :

    1- Post some viuals that could grap the attention of the customer
    2-Use creative and strog colors to attract more customers
    3-Add benefits, contact information, ad tracking
    4- Put the logo in the top middle of the advertisement

  22. I think this advertisment wont work for the following reasons :
    1) The text is small making it hard for people to read, ad's like this should have large font to attract peoples attention
    2) There is no ad tracking
    3) Not enough information provided
    4) The colours yellow and blue wont go with the ad since the logo is blue

    I would improve this ad by:

    1) Increase the font size so that it will attract attention for people, and also decrease the amount of text.
    2) Provide ad tracking so that people can communicate with a certain person concerning the event like
    3)Provide more information about the event for example lits of people dont know the meaning of Gust and what it stands for, also provide the number of the conference center and where is it north or west side.
    4) Change the colours of the font instead of blue we can put red or white so people can distinguish the text from the background.

  23. I dont think the ad works for the reasons below:

    - It has too much text
    - No images
    - Dark Colors
    - Logo isn't clear
    - No contact information

    How I would make it better:

    - Add lighter more attractive colors
    - Add contacts in order for people to call and ask for more info
    - Add the logo somewhere more visible inorder for people to actually notice where and what it is all about.
    - Add images that will also make the ad more attractive
    - Put less text, just the needed so people will not get bored

  24. I agree with Khalid that the ad has too much text and no contact information, dark colors, but the logo is nice and showing

  25. It is does not work :
    1 - too busy and too many words in the text
    2- it is too boring and colorless , so it not attractive att all .
    3- there is no vuals..
    3- there is no way to trace it.
    * I would add more attractive vualass.
    * I would add action steps.
    * I would add telephone No to to trace the Ad.
    * I would add more colors for the Ad layout their for will be more colorfull and attractive.

  26. 1. I think the ad works because it clearly states the benefits of the ad. The ad also states the time and place of the event and also has the date. The color of the ad is attractive and gets the attention of the ads intended target. It could also have more visuals and edit the texting my replacing many of the words or even deleting some of them.
