Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WILL Invites You To Improve Your Grade

GUST offers you the opportunity to improve your writing . . . so you can earn the grade you really want!

You (and I) can be very proud to be affiliated with a university that cares so much about the writing skills of its students. The Writing Lab (aka WILL) requires an investment of GUST's money . . . and it's now up to you (it's in your hands) to improve your writing skills. 

The Help You Need Is At The Writing Lab
In all cases (unless your writing skills are advanced) you should go to WILL and ask for help with grammar, spelling and punctuation. Help is available from 9 to 5 Sunday through Thursday. 

In some cases I will require you to go to WILL and get assistance before I will grade your work. If I tell you that you must seek help from WILL, please do so quickly so that I can assess your work and post your grade. Failure to go to WILL will result in a lower grade. 

Most of you can do yourselves a huge favor by improving your ability to write in English . . . what a wonderful opportunity. Hooray for GUST, and hooray for each of you who needs this help -- now you can get it easily and at no extra cost! 

Click on the image to enlarge it.

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