Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Not Interested In Developing Your Skills: Then What Are You Doing In Marketing?

Please click on this link and read the advertisement placed by Universal Media (it's in the lower portion of the newspaper page, on the right).

Pay particular attention to the list of Skills required for these jobs. Some of you may argue that you're not going to get a job in marketing -- you're looking for a job in accounting or finance. Be aware that all employers seek to hire people who have many of these same skills. Accountants and finance people are expected to communicate and to work cooperatively.

Why do we have to do that? 
Students often ask me (usually to object) why it's necessary to work in teams, and why they have to make presentations to the class.

These activities build skills, the skills that employers seek.

Getting an education is not just about reading texts and supplementary materials. It's not just about passing quizzes and exams.  It's not about attending lectures and slide shows. An education isn't complete without the student learning skills.

Working with teams
This employer is seeking someone who has the "ability to foster a cooperative work environment." How do you learn that? By working with teams. Chances are very good that when you work with a team of students at GUST you'll be unhappy with the results. Some students, as you'll discover, aren't interested in doing any work. Some will agree to show up for meetings, but they won't show up and they won't give you any advance notice. Some are not capable of doing the work that's required, sometimes because their command of English is so poor. This usually means the better students do the brunt of the work -- and the poorer students do little or nothing. Keep in mind that the poorer students also are more likely to earn an F for their lack of contributions.

These jobs require people who have the "ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing." How do you learn that? By doing it! When you're required to write a presentation and present it to the class you begin to master this skill.

Wanted: Thinkers!
The employer seeks people who have the "ability to analyze and solve problems." That's why I include essay questions in tests. I want you to demonstrate your ability to think. Employers will demand that of you.

The employer wants to hire a person who has an "excellent command of English and preferably Arabic." That's why I emphasize Basic English. You must demonstrate your ability to use it! Sorry, I can't help you with your Arabic, but I hope that you have an excellent command of your native language.

And then the employer seeks to hire someone who has the "ability to communicate and motivate via written media with presentation skills." Employers seek people who can get results for their business. You must be able to communicate effectively with employees, as well as customers and suppliers.

How to develop these skills
You won't learn all of these skills in a Basic Marketing course. However, this course provides an opportunity to introduce the skills. Other courses, including some in other disciplines, are designed to help you acquire all of the skills that employers demand.

Pay attention! Unless you don't intend to seek a job, these skills are extremely important. The world is a competitive place and employers are looking for the very best people to hire.

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