Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paying Attention To Word Can Save You Points

This information will be helpful to you when you're required to write an assignment in Word. 

Word software tries to help you . . . and in spite of it many students pay no attention. Word, in fact, could save many students precious points and help improve their grades . . . but only if those students pay attention to what Word is telling them!

For example, I'm grading a paper at the moment where Word clearly indicated to the author (the student) that "customers" needed attention. Something's missing! Thus the green squiggly line under the word! (See image). What's missing? An apostrophe to show possession!

Moving on, Word also told the student author that "specialities" was not spelled correctly! Thus the red squiggly line. See it in the image?

In both of these examples the student did not make the corrections. Why? I don't know. Carelessness, maybe? Or just didn't pay attention? Or didn't care? Or didn't want to? Or didn't understand what Word was clearly, neatly, efficiently pointing out? . . . I just don't know! Nonetheless, the student will lose points.  

If you don't mind losing points then I guess it's okay not to pay close attention to what Word is telling you. But when a software program does the thinking for you and points out errors, doesn't it make sense to pay attention, make the corrections, and keep the points?

As an employer I can tell you that I'm much more interested in the student who cares about quality work, who pays attention, corrects errors, and efficiently saves points. As for the student who ignores this information and instruction -- to me, that's a student who either doesn't care or doesn't know any better. And in both cases that student is not as employable. 

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