Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Understand My Requirements & Your Responsibilities

Meeting the requirements of this course is the only way you can earn a good grade (and you define "good grade"). Meeting the requirements of the course is also the best way for us to enjoy each other's company! You'll be happy to come to class knowing that you're going to get a good grade; and I'll be happy to teach you because every faculty member loves students who earn good grades!

You probably already have heard that I'm a stickler for attendance, participation, and good basic English. I don't listen to excuses, and I don't give marks for "trying". Actually, I don't "give" marks at all. You earn them! My best students -- serious students -- are known for working hard and for learning new skills (and many of them have enrolled in more than one or two of my courses). I have little interest in students who are enrolled simply to fill a requirement.

So let's get started.

Follow the Blog
Your first assignment: Become a Follower of this blog and get familiar with it. See the Followers information on the right side of the blog. Create an account and follow! The blog is where you'll find pertinent information about the course. I use the blog to communicate with you, and you're required to visit the blog at least several times weekly to see what's new. You'll find information about content, tests, quizzes, etc., posted on the blog. There's never an excuse for not knowing what's going on in this course. It's on the blog!

Spend time reading critical blog content including: the syllabus, and My GUST Attendance Record Is My Responsibility. Also read Understanding & Accepting Your Grade and the Basic English Grading Rubric. You may need to poke around in the Archives to find these articles, so don't be shy!

If you have any questions or concerns about this content, please let me know immediately!

Let me hear from you
After you have read the pertinent content, I need to know that you understand what's required of you in this course. Send me an email and tell me so. Use only this email address.

Bottom line: I'm here to teach and I expect you to be here to learn . . . that combination works best for all concerned parties, i.e. you and me! 

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