Saturday, February 18, 2012

MarketSense_Kuwait: Grades Posted

Please check SIS for your grade . . . also, I returned all assignments via email. If your grade doesn't appear to be correct to you, then please see me by the end of day on Monday 20 February to discuss. Otherwise, there's no looking back!

By the way, this was an early/easy assignment. I want to see what you're capable of doing. I do not stick to the English grading rubric with these early assignments. In many, many cases, I suggested that the student visit SSC (quickly) and start working there to improve communications skills. Management of Promotion is an advanced marketing course and you will be graded on your ability to communicate . . . if you need to improve in that area, please do so. As you all like to say, "It's in YOUR hands."

Starting now the assignments will not be as easy and the grading rubric will be in full play. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment Details: MarketSense_Kuwait

1.     Attend MarketSense_Kuwait in the W-010 auditorium on 15 February 2012 during your class time.
2.     Take notes! The topic of discussion during the seminar depends on the time you attend the seminar.
3.     The agenda and speaker list for MarketSense_Kuwait can be found on Google Docs.  
4.     Using the agenda, determine the speaker and topic.
5.     Open a Word file. Name the file in this format: MSK_YourFirstName_Your4Digit GUST ID.doc. Type your name and ID in the upper left corner of the first page. Add a title of your choice.
6.     No less than 250 words and no more than 500 words . . . summarize the speech that you heard. Depending on your timing, you may hear more than one speech, or parts of different speeches... select ONE speech as the topic of your assignment.
7.     In your summary, or in addition to it, make certain to tell me how the topic of the speech relates to the promotion (advertising and marketing) of business in general (or how it relates directly to promoting a product or service). 
8.     Make certain to tell me what you considered to be the main point of the presentation. Or, the most insightful point based on your experiences.
9.     Finally, tell me how the presentation could have been improved.
10. Check your Basic English unless you don’t mind losing points! Do not exceed 500 words total.
11. Email the Word document to no later than 7 p.m. Kuwait time on Thursday 16 February 2012. Late submissions will not be graded. Problems with your email, traffic delays, etc. etc. etc. – save yourself the embarrassment; deadlines are deadlines and must be met at all costs. Be sure to include the email Subject line: MarketSense_Kuwait.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Second Assignment: MarketSense_Kuwait

For Wednesday 15 February . . . report to W1-010 (auditorium) to attend MarketSense_Kuwait. This program begins at 2:45 p.m. and continues through 6 p.m. You are expected to attend only that portion which coincides with your class time, i.e. males from 3:30 to 4:50 p.m. and females from 5 to 6 p.m. You do not have to attend during your class time; you may come earlier, or stay longer, if you'd like. You need to attend at least an hour of the presentation. I will give you your assignment when you come to the auditorium. Please be prepared to take notes. Use the rear door of the auditorium and I'll meet you in the back of the room. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Grades Posted: First Assignment

Grades have been posted for the first assignment . . . if no grade appears for you and you submitted the assignment by the deadline, please inform me within 48 hours. Otherwise, your grade is zero (as stated in the blog). If you submitted the assignment after the deadline, your grade is zero. 

Information To Help You Earn More Points!

Mark your calendar . . . at 12:30 pm every Monday and Wednesday (no classes are scheduled during that time slot) plan to attend the GUST Grammar Clinic! It's one hour that will likely help you earn more marks in all of your classes (certainly in mine)!

Topics covered include Parts of Speech, Verb Tenses, Verb Forms, Modal Verbs, Articles, Conditional Clauses, Relative Clauses, Prepositions, and more!

For more information contact Dr. Marta Tryzna or visit WILL (N2-103) and ask for details.

GUST Grammar Clinic meets in room N4-103. Sessions begin 13 February and continue through 17 May.

Students who attend 8 different sessions will receive extra credit in my courses. The Grammar Clinic must verify in writing (by the last week of the semester) that you attended at least 8 different sessions.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's Your First Assignment!

For the Male Section
Photograph an outdoor ad of your choice. It can be a billboard, a sign on the side of a villa, or a sign on the  back of a truck . . . it doesn't matter. Select an ad of your choice. (Avoid photographing the same ads that your friends are photographing -- be original and do your own work).

For the Female Section
Photograph a print ad of our choice. It can appear in a newspaper, a magazine, catalogue, or newsletter, etc (so long as it's printed). Select an ad of your choice. Do not select an online ad.

For Both Sections
  1. Save the photograph as a jpg. 
  2. Open a Word document and title it in this format: Ad_(YourFirstName)_(Your4DigitGUSTID).doc. Of course, do not include the parentheses (the round brackets).
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, type your full name, date, and Promotion Management.
  4. Then type one paragraph (no more than 3-5 sentences) and tell me why the ad works or doesn't work. It works if it's a successful ad, in your opinion, and it doesn't work if it's not a successful ad, in your opinion.
  5. Check your basic English, of course! 
  6. Email the photo jpg and the Word doc to me no later than noon (Kuwait time) Saturday 11 February.
There's no right or wrong answer to this assignment. Follow the directions and it's an easy A!