Saturday, February 18, 2012

MarketSense_Kuwait: Grades Posted

Please check SIS for your grade . . . also, I returned all assignments via email. If your grade doesn't appear to be correct to you, then please see me by the end of day on Monday 20 February to discuss. Otherwise, there's no looking back!

By the way, this was an early/easy assignment. I want to see what you're capable of doing. I do not stick to the English grading rubric with these early assignments. In many, many cases, I suggested that the student visit SSC (quickly) and start working there to improve communications skills. Management of Promotion is an advanced marketing course and you will be graded on your ability to communicate . . . if you need to improve in that area, please do so. As you all like to say, "It's in YOUR hands."

Starting now the assignments will not be as easy and the grading rubric will be in full play. 

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