Sunday, February 26, 2012

Does This Advertisement Work?

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  1. No I do not think this advertisement works, and here is why:
    1- The name of the restaurant is not mentioned.
    2- The visuals are overlapping in an unorganized way, and the one at the bottom is over the frame.
    3- No address.
    4- What is (pollo Arabitta)or gnocchi, many people in the Eastern world do not know what this is and might not find it appealing if the main ingredients were not mentioned.

    I believe the advertisement may look better if the text was on the left side because it is in English, and if the visuals were distributed evenly on both sides, one on the right upper corner and the other on the left lower corner; of course then we will have the text about the lower picture on the right but I think it will look fine.

    Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
    ID: 4973

  2. Abdulaziz Aljarrah
    ID: 2985

    This advertisement faces a fundimental error due to the name of the resturaunt. where the name must be at the Top of the advertaisment not the bttom. Another error the advertisment is too busy, because it is croweded of information. Also, it looks like a commercial advertisement.

  3. The clearest mistake that can be found on this advertisement is the restaurant name is missing! The name of the restaurant must be shown at the top or at a spot so readers can know what this restaurant is called. 2nd, eating pasta in Kuwait's national day? It doesn't seem a good idea. People would prefer to eat Kuwaiti food on this day to celebrate, not a pasta! Plus the design of the ad isn't organized at all.

    Hamad Alsammahi
    ID: 5503

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think this advertisement does not work. The reasons are that first of all the name of the restaurant is not anywhere on the ad. Another point is the advertisement is very boring, the pasta does not even look that appealing. Thirdly, the colors are very off, since it is and ad for the Kuwaiti liberation and national day it should at least include the colors of Kuwait's flag, compared to other restaurants that actually use the Kuwaiti colors which relates back to the liberation and national day.

    ID: 8060

  6. Noor Abou Seido

    I do not think that this advertisement works because the location of the restaurant is not provided in the advertisement. Also, the advertisement is not well presented, meaning that the format of the advertisement is not neat and professional. Finally, the name of the restaurant is not clearly stated in the advertisement.

  7. Fajer
    ID 4798

    What's the name of the resturant ?! This ad doesn't work because as I said the name is not mentioned. The font is not clear and small. This ad should be rewritten in a way that attract customers more. The pasta doesn't even look nice. There are some information that are missing in the ad Like the location, other ways of contact.

  8. Soud Al Rujaib
    ID: 4026

    No, this advertisement does not work because the name of the restaurant is not available in the advertisement. Additionally, the place or location of the restaurant is not mentioned in the advertisement. Finally, the images do not grab your attention as they are not well presented.

  9. omar shark 4889
    this ad might not work because the name of the restaurant and the address is not there , and i dont find find the font in general.

    but it has some plus points that may make it work for some people:
    *some people might find the food photo tempting ,
    *they may get curious to try the dishes with strange names , so they might call to find the place
    *some people like promotions , they just get encouraged to go just to use the promotion , so they will call and find the place
