Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment Details: MarketSense_Kuwait

1.     Attend MarketSense_Kuwait in the W-010 auditorium on 15 February 2012 during your class time.
2.     Take notes! The topic of discussion during the seminar depends on the time you attend the seminar.
3.     The agenda and speaker list for MarketSense_Kuwait can be found on Google Docs.  
4.     Using the agenda, determine the speaker and topic.
5.     Open a Word file. Name the file in this format: MSK_YourFirstName_Your4Digit GUST ID.doc. Type your name and ID in the upper left corner of the first page. Add a title of your choice.
6.     No less than 250 words and no more than 500 words . . . summarize the speech that you heard. Depending on your timing, you may hear more than one speech, or parts of different speeches... select ONE speech as the topic of your assignment.
7.     In your summary, or in addition to it, make certain to tell me how the topic of the speech relates to the promotion (advertising and marketing) of business in general (or how it relates directly to promoting a product or service). 
8.     Make certain to tell me what you considered to be the main point of the presentation. Or, the most insightful point based on your experiences.
9.     Finally, tell me how the presentation could have been improved.
10. Check your Basic English unless you don’t mind losing points! Do not exceed 500 words total.
11. Email the Word document to no later than 7 p.m. Kuwait time on Thursday 16 February 2012. Late submissions will not be graded. Problems with your email, traffic delays, etc. etc. etc. – save yourself the embarrassment; deadlines are deadlines and must be met at all costs. Be sure to include the email Subject line: MarketSense_Kuwait.

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