Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's Your First Assignment!

For the Male Section
Photograph an outdoor ad of your choice. It can be a billboard, a sign on the side of a villa, or a sign on the  back of a truck . . . it doesn't matter. Select an ad of your choice. (Avoid photographing the same ads that your friends are photographing -- be original and do your own work).

For the Female Section
Photograph a print ad of our choice. It can appear in a newspaper, a magazine, catalogue, or newsletter, etc (so long as it's printed). Select an ad of your choice. Do not select an online ad.

For Both Sections
  1. Save the photograph as a jpg. 
  2. Open a Word document and title it in this format: Ad_(YourFirstName)_(Your4DigitGUSTID).doc. Of course, do not include the parentheses (the round brackets).
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, type your full name, date, and Promotion Management.
  4. Then type one paragraph (no more than 3-5 sentences) and tell me why the ad works or doesn't work. It works if it's a successful ad, in your opinion, and it doesn't work if it's not a successful ad, in your opinion.
  5. Check your basic English, of course! 
  6. Email the photo jpg and the Word doc to me no later than noon (Kuwait time) Saturday 11 February.
There's no right or wrong answer to this assignment. Follow the directions and it's an easy A!  

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