Sunday, February 26, 2012

Should This Advertisement Work?

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  1. This advertisement does not work because all people are now aware of the side effects of drinking soft drinks. None of us would want his baby to drink such a drink, so I think this advertisement will get negative attitudes from people towards it.
    The text is very small barely readable, but although they say that they list the ingredients on the back of the bottle which they are not required to do, I do not believe that people would want to mix it with their children's milk.
    But they do have something good in this advertisement which is the very attractive headline and also the colors that are used only for the product leaving the rest of the ad black and white, which is very appealing and eye catching.
    If I was going to promote for seven up, I would never bring up babies nor toddlers, I might mention other good uses, for example: drinking seven up when you have a stomach ache.. etc

    Tasneem Riyad Hanbali
    ID: 4973

  2. Abdulaziz Aljarrah
    ID: 2985

    This advertisement does not work because their message is unacceptable and reasonable to people because they are aware of the harmness caused by soft drinks espesialy for children.

  3. A baby drinking a soda? It's impossible! The message of the advertisement isn't true at all. The most important thing on an ad is the acceptable imagination, not beyond that! Soft drinks are bad for children. I see this advertisement doesn't work at all.

    Hamad Alsammahi
    ID: 5503

  4. To be honest this advertisement is just bad. The fact that they thought an INFANT drinking soda is normal (probably shows how abnormal they think!), it is just sending wrong signals to the people. I actually thought of two things when I looked at this ad before thinking of my final conclusion:
    1) If this advertisement was created before the 21st century, I can understand why they have a child in the ad, since people were not really that much aware of the side effects of soft drinks on children.
    2) Secondly, maybe they were trying to make a joke out in the ad ?
    Another thing is the message of the ad is sending negative signals, just by taking a glance at it you get disgusted. Also, you can barely see what's written, thus automatically it clicks in your mind that the ad is targeting infants. In conclusion, this is just an awful advertisement, I do not think it would work, and I hope it didn't work !

    ID: 8060

  5. Noor Abou Seido

    I do not think that this advertisement would work because it is unethical for Seven-Up to use a baby when advertising for their product. Additionally, the text in the advertisement is written in small font. However, it is very smart to isolate the Seven-Up bottle in the advertisement as it grabs attention.

  6. Fajer
    ID 4798

    Are there any parents who use a soda as a healthy drink for their babies ?! I don't think so. The point is that there is no relationship between the product and the baby in that age. I prefer using teenagers or adults instead of babies. This ad won't attract people because it reflects week atitude towards babies. Ads that touch people's environment work faster and easier because they have strong image of what customers beleive in. On the other hand, focusing on the product by using colors and leave everything else in black and white is a good way to attract customers to what the ad is all about. Also, the head line is really nice and can grap the attention.

  7. Soud Al Rujaib
    ID: 4026

    No, this advertisement would not work because it is dangerous for kids to drink Seven-Up. Also, the font is small which makes it hard to read. However, the advertisement does grab attention.

  8. Entisar AlAnsari
    Id 5277

    In my opinion, this ad does not work at all ! briefly, unethical, unaccaptable and not creative.

  9. omar shark 4889

    I think it is not visually the most attractive ad and font is so small, it will not attract most adults from my point of view, on the contrary it will anger them because soda harms kids so it will leave a negative impression . so it shall not work in general

    But I was thinking that it may attract a group of people to continue consuming it , " if the baby can drink it then we can drink it too , if it didn’t harm the baby why it should harm me, those warnings about side effects must be an exaggeration" and they may ignore side effects .
