Friday, March 16, 2012

Does This Ad Work? Why or Why Not?

Use Comments to explain why you think this ad works or does not work. Be specific! Add your own thoughts and don't borrow someone else's thoughts. If someone commented before you and said what you had planned to say, you can expand on the person's comments. If several people commented before you, you can comment on the comments of several people BUT you must add your own ideas as to why the ad works or does not work. You may have to "join" the blog to be able to Comment. Please comment no later than Monday 19 March at noon in Kuwait. 


  1. Noor Abou Seido
    ID: 6032

    I do not think that this ad works because of the following reasons:
    1) The ad does not indicate the most important benefits for its target market.
    2) The ad lacks tracking; this is very important for the company to know how many people have seen the ad and responded. The company may have added a specific number or an email address only for this ad and in this way they would be able to track it.
    3) The ad does not solve a problem. It simply raises your awareness of what the law states. It does not, however, take the pain away.
    4) No action step.

    I think that this ad may have worked if the ad tried to show the most important benefits for its target market. Also, the ad should have an action step. It is true that their Twitter account is available, but having “follow us” in the ad would have been more effective.

  2. Good comments . . . by the way, WHAT DOES the ad say? For those of us who do not read Arabic.

  3. This translation of the advertisement is, “ Did you know that citizens have the right to put themselves as candidates for parliament if they reach the age of 30 years or older?” and then there is the hash tag with the word, which I think means register.

    As for the advertisement, I think it does not work at all! First, what is the advertisement trying to point out? Who are they trying to reach to? Is it to the students? Is it to all people in general? I guess this advertisement was put out during the elections, but it sent mixed signals. It seems there is a visual of the parliament building, but it still is vague on what their intentions are. As well, they are just making random remarks about how you can be a candidate in Kuwait, which again refers back to what are they trying to prove. Thirdly, there should more emphasis on the coloring of the ad! It looks unattractive. I would definitely not take a second look. Another point is apart from the twitter page they have, how will people get in contact with them. At least add a phone number (even though I’m still not sure what the ad is about)!

    In conclusion, this advertisement is uninformative and very dull. As I previously said, I am still unaware what they are trying to say and I think it’s difficult to assume on the basis of this ad.

    Ghalya Khuraibet
    ID: 8060

  4. This ad doesn't give a benefit. It only gives some basic information who some people might not know about it. In my own opinion, I think this ad doesn't work at all, very useless. They should make it clear to the benefit without making the reader guess what this ad might be about. I agree with all the points Noor mentioned, the ad lacks tracking, this ad doesn't track at all. What I would suggest this ad to work is to make it straight forward to the point. readers don't pass by many ads daily, why would they read yours? So make it interesting!

    Hamad Alsammahi
    ID: 5503

  5. Sarmad Bjinika
    The ad works, because its targeting the Kuwaiti youth over 20years old to sign up their names from now, so they can participate in voting for the Kuwaiti parliament elections, as when the election season start they cant sign up.
    plus there is ad tracking by the #قيد on twitter.

  6. I believe that the Ad is only conveying a mild message to Kuwaiti youth to join the election process by registering. In its current form the Ad is mildly effective, however, if the intention is to strongly encourage Kuwaiti youth above 20 years to participate in the voting process – be it for Parliament, co-operative society or municipal elections, it would have been an effective electoral registration campaign if the following messages were adequately highlighted in the Ad:

    1)The biggest election issues often directly effect the youth of the country.
    The employment opportunities, job training programs, economy, prices of essential services etc are just a few of the current hot topics that directly effect the quality of life of the youth in Kuwait RIGHT NOW. Register for voting and make a difference to influence policies and decisions.

    2)The only way democracy works is if its citizens – both young and old, are active participants.
    you have to remember that as an individual your vote in elections may seem to be trivial , but when it is combined with the votes of other like minded youth who share your views it becomes a voice and the more like-voters there are the louder that voice grows. So make the voice of the youth vote be heard !!!

    3)If you don't participate as a voter in elections, you really have no right to complain about decisions you don't like (no matter how bad the decisions are ).
    If you are not interested in the voting process, it is like saying you don't care how your country is run. It gives the country a more diverse opinion.

    4)If you feel passionate about an issue, you can influence enactment of laws and reforms : If our beloved country is to achieve progress, we have to enact laws and reforms which only an educated progressive youth can provide.

    A motivational speech to complement the Ad to highlight the importance of youth participation in elections would definitely have a positive impact on the campaign.

    Noor Al-Mansour

  7. I dont think this ad works for the folowing reasons:

    1- Its not organized in a way to attract the readers.
    2- Its not leding to the main points.
    3- Its not directed to a specefic group of people.
    4- This ad is not showing a specefic goal or point of view.

    In my point of view i think this ad would work if it was organized in a better way, and leads the readers to the main point. Also changing the boring colors may effect the reader in a better way.

    Rawan alduaij

  8. of course it does not work for many reasons:
    1- the Ad does not contain any benifit for the readers.
    2- Also, the Ad does not have any emotional message to attract readers emotions.
    i believe any effective advertise should have two important element
    1- value for the readers ( benefits that readers can get)
    2- emotional message.
    because these two elements are the most important elements to get reader's attentions. therefore they should include these elements to improve the Ad and make it effective.

  9. of course it does not work for many reasons:
    1- the Ad does not contain any benifit for the readers.
    2- Also, the Ad does not have any emotional message to attract readers emotions.

    I believe any effective advertise should have two important element:
    1- Value for the readers ( benefits that readers can get).
    2- Emotional message.
    because these two elements are the most important elements to get reader's attentions. therefore they should include these elements to improve the Ad and make it effective.

  10. Tasneem Hanbali

    I think that this ad is created as a reminder to people who are 20 years old or above that they should participate in the elections. If it was only a reminder then it totally works because the colors of the Kuwaiti flag and the logo of the campaign -that has the picture of the parliament- serve the message of the ad. There is also an action verb which gives it a strength point. So the visuals are great and the message is just in the right place because where will we find the 20 year olds if not in universities.
    On the other hand if this ad was created to advertise for the whole election process then it does not work because of the following points:
    1- It lacks benefits.
    2- No enough information. (I am not Kuwaiti so I did not know at first what this ad really meant when I first saw it, but since the target is Kuwaiti youth then they might have thought that they already know what this is and what it means.)

    3- Contact information is not enough.

    But I still find that the visuals and colors work, and the message on the ad is attractive when it comes to youth.

  11. Saoud Nader
    ID: 4026

    This ad does work because it is targeting Kuwaiti above 20 years old. Also, it reminds us to go and register because it is a civic duty. Additionally, the ad include the colors of the Kuwaiti flag which relates to the political event. However, the date is not available.

  12. Saoud Nader
    ID: 4026

    This ad does work because it is targeting Kuwaiti above 20 years old. Also, it reminds us to go and register because it is a civic duty. Additionally, the ad includes the colors of the Kuwaiti flag which relates to the political event. However, the date is not available.
