Saturday, March 17, 2012

Your Final Assessment: Marketing Plan for Service Hero

Your final assessment accounts for 40% of your grade – treat it very seriously, please.

You recently witnessed a presentation by Faten Abu-Ghazaleh, CEO of Service Hero. She introduced you to the company, explained its mission, and also told you the challenges the company faces as it prepares to solicit votes at the end of 2012. Additional information about Service Hero can be found on YouTube.

Team Assignment
You and your team members have been assigned the task of developing a promotional plan for Service Hero. Please follow the guidelines and instructions below, and on the Challenge Sheet. You are learning about the requirements for your final assessment at this early stage of the semester because you will need many weeks to complete the task. You and your team must work together to effectively accomplish the task, and present your recommendations to the class.

Here are the guidelines and instructions:

1.     Meet your teammates and exchange contact information. Once your team is appointed, select a Team Leader. Each team will include three students. The Team Leader’s job is to organize the team’s efforts, but not to do the majority of the team’s work. Team Leaders can earn extra points for taking on the added responsibility of organizing the team’s efforts, but the points will be awarded only if all team members agree that the Team Leader was effective. Each team member will complete a team assessment form at the end of the project.
2.     As a team, review all of the information presented to you by Faten Abu-Ghazaleh. In addition, do some research to learn even more about Service Hero. The more you know about the company the better prepared you will be to solve the challenges the company is facing.
3.     Review and understand the challenges. Make certain that all team members understand the challenges. See the Challenge Sheet for more information.
4.     Brainstorm your ideas. How can the challenges be resolved to the satisfaction of your client, Service Hero? (Assume that Service Hero hired your team to solve the challenges).
5.     Develop a Team Action Plan. List all of the work items (projects) that the team needs to complete to create a final report. Action Plans must include:
a.     Names and ID numbers for all team members.
b.     Name/ID number of Team Leader.
c.      Date the plan was created/submitted to me.
d.     The work projects that must be completed; stated in active voice beginning with a verb. For example: Watch Service Hero video on YouTube; Gather advertising data from Facebook . . . Number each work project. Include a Completion Date for each work project. Identify the person/s responsible to complete the work project. . . . The Action Plan will likely require 2-3 pages of content.
6.     Get to work and complete the Action Plan. Team Leader makes certain that team members are handling their responsibilities; Team Leader will periodically (once or more a week) get the team together to give updates of the work in progress and to resolve any new issues. You will be required to discuss the completed Action Plan with me on a date to be announced in the future.
7.     The team will prepare a written document in Word that addresses the items on the Challenge Sheet. Assume the client will read this document (most likely that will be the case) so it must include the critical points that the client needs to understand to solve the challenges. Name the file: FA_(TeamLeader’sFirstName).doc or docx. Document must be emailed to me no later than noon (in Kuwait) on Sunday 20 May.
8.     The team will prepare a PowerPoint document to present its recommendations for the client. Assume that you will present your recommendations to the client (that may not be the actual case). So the PPT needs to reflect what you want the client to know and do. Name the PPT file: FA_(TeamLeader’sFirstName).ppt. File must be emailed to me no later than noon (in Kuwait) on Sunday 20 May.
9.     The team will prepare a 20-minute classroom presentation; all team members will take part in presenting the team’s recommendations. Do not exceed the 20 minutes. Presentations will occur in random sequence on 22 May and 24 May. Be prepared to present when your team is called!
10. Your team will be evaluated in a number of ways:
a.     How well did you understand the challenges?
b.     How well did you develop recommendations to solve the challenges?
c.      How well did you prepare the Word document?
d.     How well did you present your findings to the class?   

         Questions? Ask me, please!           

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