Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Can You Improve This Ad?

Answer the question: How can you improve the IQAir advertisement?

First, explain why the ad works or doesn't work. Then explain how you can improve it. 

Use Comments to provide your answer. This is a graded assignment. You will be graded for your perceptions about the ad, and your justification for whether it works or does not work (please explain your reason/s). You also will be graded for creativity (how good are your ideas about how to improve the ad).

Students who comment early have an advantage over those who comment late because you cannot borrow another student's ideas. Your ideas for improving the ad must be original.

One answer is required per student no later than Sunday 25 March at 5 p.m. in Kuwait. 


  1. Noor Abou Seido
    ID: 6032

    I think that this ad does not work because of the following reasons:
    1) The font is too small and unreadable.
    2) There is no contact information at all. What if I want to ask about the price? Who should I call? Where should I go? Neither the address nor the contact information is provided.
    3) There is no action step.
    4) There is no ad tracking.
    5) There is no risk reversal. What if the purifier does not work? Can I get my money back?

    However, it is very smart to put a baby in the advertisement. This is because a baby in an ad would grab attention. We all love babies; therefore, seeing this ad would make us stop to read it.

    This ad can be improved by the following ways:
    1) Providing some contact information such as a phone number or an email address. However, this phone number or email address should be used specifically for this advertisement. This would allow for ad tracking which is important for the company to know how many people saw the ad and responded. It would allow the company to know whether the ad was a good investment or a bad one.
    2) Having a larger font, a font that is readable.
    3) Having “call us” above the contact information that should be provided would improve the advertisement.
    4) Having a guarantee or a warrantee in the ad would reverse the risk of buying the purifier.

  2. This advertisement does work. The reasons why this advertisement works is:
    1) There is a benefit headline. It is attractive where it has a fact about the effects of toxins in the air and the infant having a spoonful of them, this gives an image of the fact, which grabs attention.
    2) On the lower right corner it has a guarantee, it shows that it is 99.97 % individually tested and certified, which is always a reassurance to potential customers.
    3) Thirdly, it has a condensed USP, which is “Air Cleaning Perfection” and then there is a slogan, “The World’s Best Air Purifier Now In Town.” which is a reference back to the condensed USP.
    4) Also, it lists the different types of air purifiers they have, and what each one does so the customer is aware of the different options they have.
    5) The visual of the infant can be attractive to parents who do not want toxins filling their children; this implies their target market is a parent who wants their children to live in a clean air environment.
    The only thing that I think is missing and should be added in the advertisement, and one that is very vital in an ad, is the ad tracking. The advertisement has all the elements of AIDA, attention, interest, desire, but is missing ACTION. A potential prospect can’t take action when they see that there is no contact information, such as a phone number, email or website. Thus, the company itself will have issues when knowing if anyone has seen their ad or not!
    The advertisement in general is very appealing and encourages customers to consider buying this product.

    Ghalya Khuraibet

  3. I think this ad works perfectly. Children in ads always get to the viewers' emotion. What I don't like about this ad are:
    1- The headline is too weak.
    2- The font doesn't work with the ad and it's too small, very hard to read.
    3- Not all readers can understand the specification on these air cleaners.

    What I really like about this is the powerful USP (Air Cleaning Perfection). Easy to remember. Moreover, the ad show risk reversal by showing the logo that says 99.7% of these air cleaners has been tested and its' certified. In general I see that the idea of this ad is very powerful, but it needs some improvement as I mentioned above.

    Hamad Alsammahi

  4. I need to clarify that "risk reversal" isn't related to the product or service. Risk reversal is related to the consumer, the person who pays money for a product or service. Risk reversal means that the consumer can get his money back if not satisfied, or if the product/service doesn't work.

    Anyone can say their product is "guaranteed" or that their product is "certified" and "tested," etc. But what does that mean? Anyone can develop a test and state that their product passed that test -- still, what does that mean? It only means what they say, and you need to be aware that marketing and sales people consistently "push the envelope," meaning that they often exaggerate. They may mean well, and it's true their product was certified to do A, B and C -- however, you need it to do D and they don't tell you that it wasn't certified for D. Or you don't know that the certification wasn't anything unique or significant.

    So you pay 750 KWD for the product, and it doesn't do what you thought it would do, or it doesn't solve your problem. You've already paid the money and you're not getting it back. That is your RISK.

    The only way "risk reversal" exists is when you CAN GET YOUR MONEY BACK. The guarantee needs to state NOT that a product has been tested, but that YOU get your money back if the product doesn't work for you. Please be sure you understand the difference -- some of you are confusing the issue. If the ad doesn't state "money back guarantee," there's NO risk reversal -- YOU the consumer/buyer are at RISK when you buy the product. The wording could also state that if you're unhappy with the purchase you can return the product and get a "store credit" or something else of value.

    If this isn't clear, please ask in class!

  5. This ad does not work for me because it has too much going on. First of all there are too many pictures and words on this ad, which makes it hard for a person to concentrate and understand it. Cluttering the ad with a lot of words and pictures will make the average consumer less likely to pay attention and try to figure out the message. Also, the spoon filled with impurities and toxins look like regular food from afar, which may also cause confusion to the consumer. I would remove some of the pictures and words on the bottom of the ad and put a website instead for the people who are interested. We could also improve the ad by making the toxins bigger and brighter.

    Dina AlFozan

  6. In my opinionm this ad does not work for many reasons:
    1- I didn't get the idea directly.
    2- Too many informations and not organized well.
    3- boring! and not attractive at all.

    Intasar AlAnsari

  7. This ad works, why?
    1- Use of emotion, the most effective approach to a consumer. It was done by adding the picture of baby emphasizing that without this product, your child is at risk.

    2-Consumers/buyers tend to lean more towards products that are guaranteed with no regards to how they were guaranteed, therefore the logo at the right bottom of the page gives a postive sort of perception when looking at the ad.

    3- When switzerland intorduce a product, they usually do it with the highest rate of quality and due to that fact, their image stands out, therefore the addition of swiss made on the ad adds a little more to the image of the product.
    We could improve this ad by:

    1- Intiating an action step by adding contact information.
    2- Slightly enlarge the font for the ad to be easy to read.

    Farouq Samhouri

  8. Since the visual is the main thing that grabs attention in an ad, I believe that this ad doesn't work. The visual (picture) they used was like shock advertising that does gain attention but the purpose isn't clear at all. When you read through the ad, you'll realize that what they are offering is something that is really good and has a positive impact, unlike the visual they used!

    As for the font and details they included, I think it was too much to offer in an ad. You can't read or get the idea from the first time. You have to spend time to read through the ad in order to get it.

    Monirah 6299

  9. Tasneem Hanbali
    ID: 4973
    I find that this ad works though it lacks some crucial elements. Here is why is works:
    1- Using the baby as a visual in the ad, is extremely eye catching and appealing; people would look closely to see what this ad is about.
    2- Having a spoon full of harmful things fed to the baby triggers feelings of fear and outrage and pushes people to do something about it; in this case, getting the air purifier.
    3- The ad shows the baby being fed intentionally with harmful things. This indicates that by not buying this product people are intentionally harming their children.
    4- The headline is the name of the company and the condensed USP which are “IQAir, Air cleaning perfection”.
    5- The ad shows what the products can purify and remove from the air, (viruses, smoke, dust.. etc).
    6- It is good that the ad shows where the products are made and that the products are tested and certified, which gives the product more credibility and appeal to people.
    7- “The world’s best air purifier now in town” The sentence delivers the massage in a concise manner.
    8- Using soft shades of blue as a background for the ad makes the message pop out and also reflects what the product stands for.
    9- The ad shows the different types of products available

    The weaknesses in this ad are:
    1- Lack of Contact information.
    2- No tracking.
    3- No action step.
    4- The use of a small font size.
    5- It is good that the ad lists the different products available and their description; however, this creates too much clutter within the ad and may make it less interesting to people. People do not like to read long ads.
    6- What does the black hand feeding a white baby mean?? Is this a racist implication? If it is, then this ad may face some serious problems.

    To improve this ad I would:
    1- Add a phone number which is only used for this ad to track how many people see this ad.
    2- Add more contact information such as a website and the location.
    3- Make sure not to clutter my ad with too many unnecessary details. Having the pictures of the different types of this product is enough as it indicates the variety of choices available. Instead of providing the descriptions in the ad people can be referred to the website instead.
    4- Reconsider the black hand because this might send a negative subconscious message to the people who see the ad.
    5- Add an action step though I do not find it necessary because the ad itself is doing this job perfectly. I find this ad very convincing.

  10. Hibba Al-Jouda
    I find that this advertisement works, however it needs many changes.
    Reasons why this advertisement works:
    1. It raises awareness to parents that their children are faced with many kinds of toxins on a daily basis.
    2. Using a baby in the advertisement grabs a lot of attention. People always stop for a second and see what the advertisement is all about?
    3. The fact that the ad shows babies are being fed these toxins puts responsibility on the parents. Parents would feel like they have to take an action to avoid hurting their babies.
    4. The ad shows exactly what kind of toxins they can purify(pet allergies, viruses, and dust)
    5. Besides the visual, the heading is very eye catching and clear.
    6. It has a clear USP, “Air cleaning perfection.”
    7. The fact that they included where the product is made, appeals more to customers.
    8. The colors used for the ad were spot on. They used the white-blue color to show that the air is purified, and clean.

    Reasons why the ad doesn’t work:
    1. The font is too small
    2. Too much clutter. An ad should not include all the information, only the main points about the ad.
    3. They don’t provide any contact information.
    4. Since this is a new product, they should have provided a return policy in order to gain their customers trust.

  11. Rawan alduaij

    The advertisement does not work, for the following reasons:

    1- There is a lot of text in the ad itself, which makes it confusing for people to know what the main point is.

    2- Because there are so many headlines you are unaware which one is the condensed USP.

    3- There is no ad tracking, how the advertisers will know if people actually saw their ad. They have no address, website or even a phone number.

    Even though the ad is not done well, the visual of the child eating a spoon of toxins is interesting when they view the advertisement.

  12. I think this advertisement would work because:

    1- The ad contains a picture of a baby, putting a baby is extremely eye catching and appealing; parents who have infants would love to read about the advertisement and see what is it about. The spoon tells parents that without out the air purifier, their babies would be breathing all harmful toxins like cigarettes, etc...

    2- Swiss made, meaning made in Switzerland would definitely attract the consumer’s eye to buy the product as we all know that they produce high quality products.

    3-People who can’t afford buying the large size of purifier can buy the small sizes, so it’s a good thing that they viewed different sizes of air purifiers.

    I would improve this ad by making the font larger, providing phone numbers of the company in order for consumers to call, viewing prices of the air purifiers, and finally putting the address of the company or where people can buy it from.

    Mohammad Barakat

  13. This Ad does work But has many errors, but the idea of dilever the Messageto the audience is so creative by putting one of the parents poisonIng his baby ( telling the audience youre poisoning your baby) to inforce them by their emotion and to persuade them to buy the product. Also, the design of the Ad is so good the way they put the baby face get poise by one of his parents it really attracts people and gets their attention and emotion. Finally, to improve this Ad they need to fix the errors 1- tge Ad is too busy becayse there are a lot of information and some of them are useless for example ( the world best air purifire now in the town)
    2- another errar we do not know about the Ad it is brochure or something else? Outdoor or indoor Ad? So we can judge weather the font is good or not
    Abdulaziz aljarrah
    ID : 2985

  14. Awss Al-Daour
    ID: 5481

    This Ad works good..The background and the way they organized the writing and pictures are perfect,also the images so attractive because of the presence of the child and what inside the spoon.
    The colors consistent and make you feel comfortable.
    But we can improve this add by:
    1-Makeing the font bigger.
    2-Changing the headline, its not attractive.

  15. Omar Shark

    This ad may work for the following reasons
    1- graping attention by implyingg that you are helping poisoning your kid if you dont buy the product.
    2-some people may get impressed with the 99.97% swiss made and trust the product for that
    3- some details may grapp attention

    on the other hand it has some weaknesses :
    1- small font
    2- stuffed ad
    3- where to get it ?
    4- some cusomers may find it exagerated (99.97)!
    5- maybe some customers may get encouraged to buy it because they want a healthy life for thier kids , but i think many customers might think this is only to emotionally affect them to buy it

    i think it can be enhanced
    1- put a more creative ad , you should tell more with few images
    2- draw a positive image if one used the product, someone smiling , relaxed , pregnant woman sitting comfortable , smiling kids , that in my opinion will encourage more people to buy it.
    3- add contact information / places to buy it / how to get more information
    4- where/when to use each type by simple creative photo . one photo is worth 1000 word

    5- maybe put a slang like "you deserve a clean air" , "cleaner air guaranteed "

    1. omar 4889

      6- maintinance /support / warenty information and if it is easy to install then you should mention it ,
