Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Wednesday 16 May 2012. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Summer Swim Camp: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Monday 14 May 2012. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Office Depot: Does This Ad Work?

Does this ad work? Why or why not?

Please use Comments to explain your decision. Each student is expected to answer the questions above in 1 Comment, and then Comment on the comments of a colleague in a 2nd Comment.

Deadline: 3 pm (in Kuwait) Wednesday 9 May 2012. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Does This Ad Work? Why or Why Not?

You can click on the ad to enlarge it.

You are required to post two different comments:

1.  Study the ad, and then use the Comments section to explain why you think it works, or doesn't work. Be specific! If you say the ad works, explain what you would do to improve the ad. If you say the ad doesn't work, explain why and explain what you would do to improve the ad.

2.  Comment on the comments of one of your classmates. Agree or disagree with their comments and explain why.

All students must use Comments. I will not grade any comments sent to me via email. If you cannot use Comments, meet with a colleague from the classroom and find out what you need to do differently. Or consult with IT.

Deadline for both of your comments is Monday at 3 p.m.   

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Team Consultations: Monday 30 April

Each final assessment team (all members must be present) will meet with me individually on Monday 30 April in my office to discuss your action plan and related developments. This is an important meeting -- it shows me if you are on track to complete this critical assignment, and it provides an opportunity for you to get further directions.

If your team (all members included) is available to meet with me starting at 2:30 p.m., please take advantage of the earlier time. However, all team members must be present (so that no student can say he or she was excluded because of another obligation at that time). If you want to meet early (before your class time) kindly send me an email so I know to expect you -- if there are multiple teams asking for meeting time I will set up a schedule and inform you. Send an email only if you plan to meet before class time.

There will not be class in the classroom -- we'll meet in my office. However, the classroom will be open to you to meet with your team. In addition to meeting with me, use the available class time to meet with your team to continue working on this project. As I've pointed out, you will need to meet outside of class time to complete this project.

Come to the meeting with me prepared to ask questions and seek further direction. First thing, I will ask to see your action plan and it needs to include action steps (beginning with an active verb), date of completion, and who will complete the task. Please be sure your action plan covers all of the assignment's requirements. Do not lump tasks together under one huge heading or assignment -- you need to clearly identify what needs to be done and who will do it and when.

Team members who do not attend this meeting will be counted absent for the day. This opportunity to meet helps me assess your progress and counts toward your individual grade.

While male or female teams can meet with me starting at 2:30, from 3:30 to 5 I will meet only with Male teams; starting at 5 I will meet with female teams.

Looking forward to reviewing your plans! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Evaluate This Ad, Including The Advertorial

Advertorial may be a new term to you. Is it effective? More effective than simply an ad? You'll decide in a moment.

An advertorial (which you see above on the left) combines elements of traditional advertising and editorial (or text). The advertorial makes use of headlines, sub-heads, photos, captions, and editorial text, while also delivering traditional advertising messages. Editorials (which cover news and features, or provide opinions) appear in a newspaper or magazine without a fee. But the advertorial is sold as advertising space, so the newspaper or magazine collects a fee.  Generally, the word "advertisement" in fine print, or "advertising feature" (as appears in the image above) will be included at the top of the editorial to tell the reader, "This is not necessarily an unbiased article . . . this information was prepared by an advertiser who wants your business."

Here are some sources that provide additional information about advertorials and their value:
Blue Acorn Blog
Fine Print

Here's what you are to do (to earn your next grade):

1.  Read both the advertorial and the advertisement. Then answer the questions.
2.  What's your opinion of advertorials? Good idea, bad idea . . . ? Why?
3.  In the example above, how does the combination of advertorial and advertisement work or not work? Be specific.
4.  One thing you would do to change the advertorial?

Answer the above questions (#2-4) online in Comments below.

Come to class on Monday 23 April with an answer sheet for the following questions. Bring your answers to class, hard copy, ready to turn it in to me when you arrive in the classroom. Name and GUST ID number must be on the hard copy.

5.  What three changes would you make to the advertisement (on the right)?
6.  Ad tracking. Was it used in the advertorial? Explain. . . . Was it used in the advertisement? Explain.
7.  Who is the target market (be specific) for this combination of advertorial and advertisement?
8.  How well (effectively) did the combination of advertorial and advertisement reach the target market?

See you Monday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quality of Online Comments

Please note . . . when you are asked to Comment online . . . first and foremost, you MUST comment, so you will need to make certain that you can comply with the request. You may need to register with Google to comment -- it's free, so please do it!

Then, when you comment, please note that I am looking for detailed answers (unless I say otherwise). I suggest you click down to the IQ Air ad and look specifically at Comments by Taz, Noor, Ghalya, and Hibba -- note how they structured and organized their responses and provided detailed answers. Several other students provided good comments, but the four I mentioned did the best job overall -- please follow their lead!

Check the blog frequently because I will post ads for you to critique (as well as other possible online assignments) and each counts toward your grade!  

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How Can You Improve This Ad?

Answer the question: How can you improve the IQAir advertisement?

First, explain why the ad works or doesn't work. Then explain how you can improve it. 

Use Comments to provide your answer. This is a graded assignment. You will be graded for your perceptions about the ad, and your justification for whether it works or does not work (please explain your reason/s). You also will be graded for creativity (how good are your ideas about how to improve the ad).

Students who comment early have an advantage over those who comment late because you cannot borrow another student's ideas. Your ideas for improving the ad must be original.

One answer is required per student no later than Sunday 25 March at 5 p.m. in Kuwait. 

Seeking Sponsors for Best of Kuwait

Some of you have asked if you can seek a sponsor that would help defray the costs of promoting Best of Kuwait. The answer is yes, but we need to carefully coordinate those efforts. Sponsorships will need to be approved in advance.

First, I want to reiterate that you are not expected to actually implement your marketing plan for Best of Kuwait. Your grade is based on the quality of your plan as described in the assignment on the blog.

However, I am hopefully that you will implement parts of your plan to help us generate a huge audience (200+ people) on 22 May at GUST. You can implement the parts of your plan that do not require payment of money.


If you can arrange free promotion or marketing of the event in exchange for sponsorship, please discuss the opportunity with me. For example, if Al Watan Daily said it would provide six free ads in the newspaper in exchange for sponsorship, I would say yes. Sponsors may provide us with a PowerPoint slide and we will show the slide once or twice during the event. Also, as emcee of the event, I will do a brief "commercial" to promote the sponsor. We must limit the number of sponsors, and the value the sponsor provides must be substantial, otherwise we will not accept a sponsorship.  

Best of Kuwait Set for May 22 at GUST

Best of Kuwait Fact Sheet

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Gulf University for Science & Technology Conference Center W6-200

6 p.m.   

WHO'S INVITED:               
The public is encouraged to attend! GUST students, faculty, staff, MBAs, family and friends, are encouraged to attend. Local business owners will be invited, including winners of the Best of Kuwait.

The Event

GUST MBA students enrolled in Managerial Communications will reveal the best businesses in Kuwait in the following industries: 
  • Diet Centers
  • Nail Spas
  • Universities
  • Kuwaiti Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • German Auto Companies
  • Hospitals
  • Airlines
  • Arabic Newspapers
Teams of students will have spent weeks researching each niche. Through various research methodologies, including interviewing and surveying, each team will present the top three businesses in these nine categories. The MBAs will reveal the results during formal presentations at the Best of Kuwait.

Use The Best of Kuwait Logos

You may access the Best of Kuwait logos here:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Your Midterm Assessment: Promote Best of Kuwait

GUST MBA students who are enrolled in Managerial Communications will present the Best of Kuwait on Tuesday 22 May from 6 to 9 p.m. in the GUST Conference Center. You’ve been assigned the task of developing a promotional plan for Best of Kuwait. Your goal is to fill the auditorium: 200+ people!

Follow these requirements:

1.     There’s no budget, so all promotions must be without costs.
2.     Your promotion campaign must use, when possible, the Best of Kuwait logo (above).
3.     Your promotion campaign must use one digital medium, such as Twitter, Facebook, Pininterest, Linkedin, email, etc. If you select Twitter, you must include at least three tweets specifically for Best of Kuwait; if you use Facebook, design a Best of Kuwait Facebook page; if you use email, write an email message to promote Best of Kuwait; if you use Pininterest, create one item . . . ask for clarifications about other media of your choice.
4.     Your promotion campaign must include one of these:
a.     Print advertisement. Size of the ad: ¼ of a newspaper page. The ad must be useful in both newspapers and magazines. Must include headline, body message/text, at least 2 visuals, and the ad must be trackable. Explain in your report how you would get this ad into newspapers/magazines free of cost, or . . .
b.     Flyer. One page. Must include headline, subheads, promotional message, 2 visuals, and must be trackable. Explain where you would distribute the flyer and how.
5.     Promotion Ideas. At least five ways to promote Best of Kuwait at no cost. 
6.     Promotion Calendar. Create a calendar and show (dates) when you would implement the campaign; explain how if necessary.
7.     You will work in a team of 2 and you may select your partner. Do so immediately and report names/ID numbers to me via email.
8.     Deadline for your written report is noon (in Kuwait) on Saturday 14 April. Name your Word document: MA_FirstNameofOnePartner.doc or docx. Include in that document all required elements.
9.     Be prepared to present in class on Monday 16 April using a PowerPoint document. You will be called randomly; be prepared to present when called. The audience will expect to see your ads or promotions. You will have 8 to 10 minutes. Only one partner needs to present, but both partners can participate in the presentation (one, for example, can advance the slides). This is a midterm requirement and you must be present in class. You will also learn from seeing the other presentations. 
10. Here’s how you will be evaluated:
a.     Creativity. How good are your ideas (MBAs will help me judge).
b.     Professionalism. Quality of your visuals and content.
c.      Implementation. Can your ideas be implemented at no cost?
d.     Credibility. How convincing was your presentation?

Your Midterm Assessment accounts for 30% of your grade – treat it very seriously, please.

Questions? Ask me!

Your Final Assessment: Marketing Plan for Service Hero

Your final assessment accounts for 40% of your grade – treat it very seriously, please.

You recently witnessed a presentation by Faten Abu-Ghazaleh, CEO of Service Hero. She introduced you to the company, explained its mission, and also told you the challenges the company faces as it prepares to solicit votes at the end of 2012. Additional information about Service Hero can be found on YouTube.

Team Assignment
You and your team members have been assigned the task of developing a promotional plan for Service Hero. Please follow the guidelines and instructions below, and on the Challenge Sheet. You are learning about the requirements for your final assessment at this early stage of the semester because you will need many weeks to complete the task. You and your team must work together to effectively accomplish the task, and present your recommendations to the class.

Here are the guidelines and instructions:

1.     Meet your teammates and exchange contact information. Once your team is appointed, select a Team Leader. Each team will include three students. The Team Leader’s job is to organize the team’s efforts, but not to do the majority of the team’s work. Team Leaders can earn extra points for taking on the added responsibility of organizing the team’s efforts, but the points will be awarded only if all team members agree that the Team Leader was effective. Each team member will complete a team assessment form at the end of the project.
2.     As a team, review all of the information presented to you by Faten Abu-Ghazaleh. In addition, do some research to learn even more about Service Hero. The more you know about the company the better prepared you will be to solve the challenges the company is facing.
3.     Review and understand the challenges. Make certain that all team members understand the challenges. See the Challenge Sheet for more information.
4.     Brainstorm your ideas. How can the challenges be resolved to the satisfaction of your client, Service Hero? (Assume that Service Hero hired your team to solve the challenges).
5.     Develop a Team Action Plan. List all of the work items (projects) that the team needs to complete to create a final report. Action Plans must include:
a.     Names and ID numbers for all team members.
b.     Name/ID number of Team Leader.
c.      Date the plan was created/submitted to me.
d.     The work projects that must be completed; stated in active voice beginning with a verb. For example: Watch Service Hero video on YouTube; Gather advertising data from Facebook . . . Number each work project. Include a Completion Date for each work project. Identify the person/s responsible to complete the work project. . . . The Action Plan will likely require 2-3 pages of content.
6.     Get to work and complete the Action Plan. Team Leader makes certain that team members are handling their responsibilities; Team Leader will periodically (once or more a week) get the team together to give updates of the work in progress and to resolve any new issues. You will be required to discuss the completed Action Plan with me on a date to be announced in the future.
7.     The team will prepare a written document in Word that addresses the items on the Challenge Sheet. Assume the client will read this document (most likely that will be the case) so it must include the critical points that the client needs to understand to solve the challenges. Name the file: FA_(TeamLeader’sFirstName).doc or docx. Document must be emailed to me no later than noon (in Kuwait) on Sunday 20 May.
8.     The team will prepare a PowerPoint document to present its recommendations for the client. Assume that you will present your recommendations to the client (that may not be the actual case). So the PPT needs to reflect what you want the client to know and do. Name the PPT file: FA_(TeamLeader’sFirstName).ppt. File must be emailed to me no later than noon (in Kuwait) on Sunday 20 May.
9.     The team will prepare a 20-minute classroom presentation; all team members will take part in presenting the team’s recommendations. Do not exceed the 20 minutes. Presentations will occur in random sequence on 22 May and 24 May. Be prepared to present when your team is called!
10. Your team will be evaluated in a number of ways:
a.     How well did you understand the challenges?
b.     How well did you develop recommendations to solve the challenges?
c.      How well did you prepare the Word document?
d.     How well did you present your findings to the class?   

         Questions? Ask me, please!           

Friday, March 16, 2012

Does This Ad Work? Why or Why Not?

Use Comments to explain why you think this ad works or does not work. Be specific! Add your own thoughts and don't borrow someone else's thoughts. If someone commented before you and said what you had planned to say, you can expand on the person's comments. If several people commented before you, you can comment on the comments of several people BUT you must add your own ideas as to why the ad works or does not work. You may have to "join" the blog to be able to Comment. Please comment no later than Monday 19 March at noon in Kuwait. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Who Gets The Job When Wasta Meets Wasta?

            I cannot use his name, or company name, except to say that he’s a Kuwaiti executive in a local  petroleum company. When he visited me at GUST we discussed education, students, and skills. I told him that several of my current students are employed at his company.

            “I know that,” he said, which led me to believe that he was either checking up on me, or – them! I found his subsequent comments both enlightening and encouraging, and I thought you might be interested in them, too.

            Certain of his comments echoed the opinions of other Arab executives concerned about the absence of skills among college graduates in the Gulf region. In an Al Watan Daily Op Ed article in 2011, I had quoted Masood Ahmed, from the International Monetary Fund, who said, “Many people have degrees, but they do not have the skill set.” I also had quoted Kuwaiti businessman Omar Alghanim, who said, “The scarce resource (among local college graduates) is talent.”

            My visitor expressed his dismay when he said, “Too many of the students do not want to work and learn. They just want the certificate. Unfortunately, they have been led to believe they deserve this. It is their right to have a certificate even if they cannot do much, or do it well.”

            “At your company,” I inquired, “are you looking to hire people with skills?”

            The expression he shot at me suggested I had insulted him, or his company. What company doesn’t seek to hire skilled people? I didn’t mean to denigrate his company. Clearly, I still must work on my own communication skills!

            “Of course we want skilled people,” he said. “But it is difficult . . . “ and he didn’t finish the statement. “Many graduates do not have the skills, but they need the job.”

            “How important is English?”

            “Very much,” he said. “But as you know it is a struggle. I am sure they tell you it is their second language?”

            “Yes,” I said, “I’ve heard that a time or two.”

            “And what do you tell them?” (Was he testing me now?)

            “I tell them that I can teach them valuable skills, but they’ll need to know English. Just as the engineering professor expects them to know calculus, I expect them to know English. Otherwise, how do I teach them to communicate?”

            “We need them to think and speak clearly in English,” he said.

            “I understand.”

            “Too many students are either lazy, or they use excuses. They expect the certificate, but they do not have skills, and they do not think they need to achieve the skills. Then they come to us and sometimes we hire them,” he explained.

            “How does that happen? Why hire them if they don’t have the skills?”
            He paused and looked at me. . . . “You think it is wasta?”

            “I would presume so,” I said.

            “It is not so much today. Wasta is widespread. Everyone has it.” Therefore, he explained, wasta is not always as effective as it used to be. “Two people might have equal wasta. When that happens, they call a draw. Now a man will argue, ‘Why should your son or nephew get this position instead of mine? Let us test them and see which one deserves the position more’.”

            “And English is part of the test?” I asked.

            “Somewhat it is, but moreso work ethic, and problem solving, and ability to communicate. We look for many skills. So do your best to teach them,” he concluded with a smile.

            “I will,” I said, and I offered him some encouraging news. “In a survey that I gave to 32 MBA students, 59% of them said they expect me to grade their use of English because they want to improve their skills. That's the group I can help. Of course, 38% said I should overlook their English because it’s their second language.”

            “Don’t do that,” he said. “Help Kuwait! We need graduates with skills.”

            As he left my office he said he would call soon to meet for coffee. Now I was sure that he’s checking up on me. Good thing I use a Basic English Grading Rubric. Next time I’m going to share it with him.

Copyright, 2012, John P. Hayes

Saturday, February 18, 2012

MarketSense_Kuwait: Grades Posted

Please check SIS for your grade . . . also, I returned all assignments via email. If your grade doesn't appear to be correct to you, then please see me by the end of day on Monday 20 February to discuss. Otherwise, there's no looking back!

By the way, this was an early/easy assignment. I want to see what you're capable of doing. I do not stick to the English grading rubric with these early assignments. In many, many cases, I suggested that the student visit SSC (quickly) and start working there to improve communications skills. Management of Promotion is an advanced marketing course and you will be graded on your ability to communicate . . . if you need to improve in that area, please do so. As you all like to say, "It's in YOUR hands."

Starting now the assignments will not be as easy and the grading rubric will be in full play. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assignment Details: MarketSense_Kuwait

1.     Attend MarketSense_Kuwait in the W-010 auditorium on 15 February 2012 during your class time.
2.     Take notes! The topic of discussion during the seminar depends on the time you attend the seminar.
3.     The agenda and speaker list for MarketSense_Kuwait can be found on Google Docs.  
4.     Using the agenda, determine the speaker and topic.
5.     Open a Word file. Name the file in this format: MSK_YourFirstName_Your4Digit GUST ID.doc. Type your name and ID in the upper left corner of the first page. Add a title of your choice.
6.     No less than 250 words and no more than 500 words . . . summarize the speech that you heard. Depending on your timing, you may hear more than one speech, or parts of different speeches... select ONE speech as the topic of your assignment.
7.     In your summary, or in addition to it, make certain to tell me how the topic of the speech relates to the promotion (advertising and marketing) of business in general (or how it relates directly to promoting a product or service). 
8.     Make certain to tell me what you considered to be the main point of the presentation. Or, the most insightful point based on your experiences.
9.     Finally, tell me how the presentation could have been improved.
10. Check your Basic English unless you don’t mind losing points! Do not exceed 500 words total.
11. Email the Word document to no later than 7 p.m. Kuwait time on Thursday 16 February 2012. Late submissions will not be graded. Problems with your email, traffic delays, etc. etc. etc. – save yourself the embarrassment; deadlines are deadlines and must be met at all costs. Be sure to include the email Subject line: MarketSense_Kuwait.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Second Assignment: MarketSense_Kuwait

For Wednesday 15 February . . . report to W1-010 (auditorium) to attend MarketSense_Kuwait. This program begins at 2:45 p.m. and continues through 6 p.m. You are expected to attend only that portion which coincides with your class time, i.e. males from 3:30 to 4:50 p.m. and females from 5 to 6 p.m. You do not have to attend during your class time; you may come earlier, or stay longer, if you'd like. You need to attend at least an hour of the presentation. I will give you your assignment when you come to the auditorium. Please be prepared to take notes. Use the rear door of the auditorium and I'll meet you in the back of the room. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Grades Posted: First Assignment

Grades have been posted for the first assignment . . . if no grade appears for you and you submitted the assignment by the deadline, please inform me within 48 hours. Otherwise, your grade is zero (as stated in the blog). If you submitted the assignment after the deadline, your grade is zero. 

Information To Help You Earn More Points!

Mark your calendar . . . at 12:30 pm every Monday and Wednesday (no classes are scheduled during that time slot) plan to attend the GUST Grammar Clinic! It's one hour that will likely help you earn more marks in all of your classes (certainly in mine)!

Topics covered include Parts of Speech, Verb Tenses, Verb Forms, Modal Verbs, Articles, Conditional Clauses, Relative Clauses, Prepositions, and more!

For more information contact Dr. Marta Tryzna or visit WILL (N2-103) and ask for details.

GUST Grammar Clinic meets in room N4-103. Sessions begin 13 February and continue through 17 May.

Students who attend 8 different sessions will receive extra credit in my courses. The Grammar Clinic must verify in writing (by the last week of the semester) that you attended at least 8 different sessions.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's Your First Assignment!

For the Male Section
Photograph an outdoor ad of your choice. It can be a billboard, a sign on the side of a villa, or a sign on the  back of a truck . . . it doesn't matter. Select an ad of your choice. (Avoid photographing the same ads that your friends are photographing -- be original and do your own work).

For the Female Section
Photograph a print ad of our choice. It can appear in a newspaper, a magazine, catalogue, or newsletter, etc (so long as it's printed). Select an ad of your choice. Do not select an online ad.

For Both Sections
  1. Save the photograph as a jpg. 
  2. Open a Word document and title it in this format: Ad_(YourFirstName)_(Your4DigitGUSTID).doc. Of course, do not include the parentheses (the round brackets).
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, type your full name, date, and Promotion Management.
  4. Then type one paragraph (no more than 3-5 sentences) and tell me why the ad works or doesn't work. It works if it's a successful ad, in your opinion, and it doesn't work if it's not a successful ad, in your opinion.
  5. Check your basic English, of course! 
  6. Email the photo jpg and the Word doc to me no later than noon (Kuwait time) Saturday 11 February.
There's no right or wrong answer to this assignment. Follow the directions and it's an easy A!  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Read This: Advertising Effectiveness

Click here and read this Decision Analyst article about Advertising Effectiveness.

Study Franchising & Entrepreneurship in the USA this Summer!

Undergraduate students, MBAs, and members of the general public who are interested in franchising and entrepreneurship will be interested in Study Franchising Abroad, offered in June 2012 by GUST. This course will meet for 3 weeks . . . 2 weeks at GUST and 1 week in New York City where students will meet franchise founders and executives, and attend four field trips at franchise corporate headquarters. Only MBAs register in the course for credit; others will pay a lower fee and not receive credit (or a grade). Details are available by clicking on this link.

Students: please post tweets about this program, promote it on your Facebook accounts, and spread the word, thank you!   

Commonly Misused Words At GUST . . . Plus: Why Does English Matter?

Two words consistently misused by GUST students are "feedback" and "advice".

Students frequently write, or say, "That is a good way to get customer feedbacks" or "I can use Linked in to get feedbacks from employers."

Do not add an "s" to feedback! No need for it. You can say, "I got his feedback" or "They gave me their feedback," and in neither instance does feedback need an "s" at the end. In fact, I don't know of any correct use of "feedbacks". It's not a word.  Check with an English professor, or GUST's WILL, for details.

Advice isn't the same as advise
Same thing with the word "advice". Students will say, "My colleagues gave me their advices." No, they didn't, they gave you their advice! There's no "s" at the end of advice! Do not confuse advice with advise. It is correct, sometimes, to say advises, but advice is a noun, and advise is a verb -- kindly look them up in the dictionary.

Please learn how to use these words . . . if you have questions, WILL is a good place to get help!

What's the big deal?
"Why do you make an issue about Basic English?" . . . That's a question students frequently ask me. "Why do you care about my English . . . other professors don't lower my grade because of my English."

There are multiple reasons, and I'll give you just one. When you speak in English to someone who knows English, and who values English, and you use the language incorrectly, the person you're talking to (like me) may think you are lazy, and/or careless, or you never learned how to use English properly. Any one or a combination of those perceptions is negative feedback (!) about you.

When you're trying to make an impression -- let's say you're applying for a job -- and you use English incorrectly, you create a barrier (in other words, you give the person you're trying to impress a reason not to hire you).

Don't create barriers
No one wants to hire someone who is lazy or careless . . . so while you're talking, the person interviewing you is trying to get over that barrier. He or she is thinking, "Is this person lazy or careless? Or did he simply not learn how to use English properly?" Meanwhile, you're telling the person about yourself, but he or she isn't listening to you.

As you continue to talk, and misuse the language, you raise the barrier higher, and ultimately you don't get the job. You may have been the best qualified person for the job . . . but because you could not speak English properly you did not get the job. And, unfortunately, the person who interviewed you isn't likely to tell you the truth! Rarely will an employer say, "I would have hired you, but your English is unsatisfactory!"

Companies that use English want to hire people who can speak English properly. It's as simple as that. It's distracting to listen to someone speak English incorrectly. And it's better that you do not create  negative distractions.

Finally, it's a skill
One more point: I don't know anyone who simply woke up one day and knew how to speak English properly and perfectly. In fact, most of us who use English have to continue to work at it all the time. I use a dictionary every time I write. I don't know all the Rules of English, and I frequently ask English professors to help me, or I look up the rules online. If I've got to work at my English usage, why shouldn't you?

Proper English usage isn't a gift, it's a skill. You can learn it as well as I've learned it. You can use the excuse that it's your second language, but that's not going to get you past the distractions and barriers that you create when you speak English incorrectly.

Now you've got my advice (!).   

"Huh?" . . . It's Not An Insult, But It Gets Your Attention!

What does it mean when I write "Huh?" on your paper or report?

It's Not Insulting
First, let me assure you that my intention is not to insult you. Nor is "Huh?" intended to be disrespectful. My use of "Huh?" is not at all "personal". I do not mean to be impolite. And yet, many students in both America and Kuwait have told me that they feel belittled when I use the term, "Huh?" 

All I can say to that is: "Huh?"

Technically, "Huh" is an interjection (check the dictionary). It's a legitimate word that's used as an exclamation of surprise, bewilderment or disbelief. It can also be used as an exclamation of contempt and interrogation, but that's neither my purpose nor my role. 

It's About Efficiency
I'm an educator. I don't interrogate. I teach. 

I'm also a businessman, so I respect efficiency, including with the use of words. "Huh?" wastes no time; it makes a point very quickly. 

I'm also a marketer, and I strive to get attention. "Huh?" certainly does that! 

So when a student writes, "The author is not clear when it comes to the advertisement," or "The process started when noticed that people were going to read in such sites, looking talking about music and television" (I'm not making these up, the by way) the best critique I can think of is, "Huh?"

It's A Shortcut
In other words, I am asking (perhaps more to the liking of sensitive students): "What do you mean by that?" Or, "What are you trying to say?" Or, "I don't understand this; perhaps you can clarify the statement?"

If I were to write those, albeit, more polite critiques, I would add hours to my workload, and I don't intend to do that when "Huh?" makes the same point very efficiently if even somewhat dramatically. To me, it's a good shortcut. 

It Could Be Harsher
It may help to understand that I attended a university where even one spelling error resulted in an F for the assignment. Just one! (Is that a bewildered "Huh?" I hear from you?). Writing that made no sense also resulted in an F. Given my background, I think I'm extremely generous. I might write "Huh?" a half dozen times on a paper and still issue a grade higher than an F. My former professors must be turning in their graves with embarrassment, disappointment and astonishment. Each time that I don't issue an F at the end of a paper with more than one error I hear them collectively gasping, "Huh?" 

So if you are insulted when I use the interjection, "Huh?" on your assignments, I've got another efficient, attention-grabbing, and not-so-nice piece of advice for you: "Get over it!" 

It's About Preparing You For The Harsh, Real World
Teaching isn't always or only about pleasing students. Synonyms for teaching include guiding, instructing, coaching, informing, enlightening, disciplining, and schooling. My job is to prepare you for the real world. This is serious business, and usually emotionally challenging. Of course, it's easier when students come prepared, when they possess the requisite skills, or even when they really want to learn. 

Once again is that a "Huh?" I hear you saying? It's catchy, isn't it?

And I'm not at all insulted when you use it. 

WILL Invites You To Improve Your Grade

GUST offers you the opportunity to improve your writing . . . so you can earn the grade you really want!

You (and I) can be very proud to be affiliated with a university that cares so much about the writing skills of its students. The Writing Lab (aka WILL) requires an investment of GUST's money . . . and it's now up to you (it's in your hands) to improve your writing skills. 

The Help You Need Is At The Writing Lab
In all cases (unless your writing skills are advanced) you should go to WILL and ask for help with grammar, spelling and punctuation. Help is available from 9 to 5 Sunday through Thursday. 

In some cases I will require you to go to WILL and get assistance before I will grade your work. If I tell you that you must seek help from WILL, please do so quickly so that I can assess your work and post your grade. Failure to go to WILL will result in a lower grade. 

Most of you can do yourselves a huge favor by improving your ability to write in English . . . what a wonderful opportunity. Hooray for GUST, and hooray for each of you who needs this help -- now you can get it easily and at no extra cost! 

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Paying Attention To Word Can Save You Points

This information will be helpful to you when you're required to write an assignment in Word. 

Word software tries to help you . . . and in spite of it many students pay no attention. Word, in fact, could save many students precious points and help improve their grades . . . but only if those students pay attention to what Word is telling them!

For example, I'm grading a paper at the moment where Word clearly indicated to the author (the student) that "customers" needed attention. Something's missing! Thus the green squiggly line under the word! (See image). What's missing? An apostrophe to show possession!

Moving on, Word also told the student author that "specialities" was not spelled correctly! Thus the red squiggly line. See it in the image?

In both of these examples the student did not make the corrections. Why? I don't know. Carelessness, maybe? Or just didn't pay attention? Or didn't care? Or didn't want to? Or didn't understand what Word was clearly, neatly, efficiently pointing out? . . . I just don't know! Nonetheless, the student will lose points.  

If you don't mind losing points then I guess it's okay not to pay close attention to what Word is telling you. But when a software program does the thinking for you and points out errors, doesn't it make sense to pay attention, make the corrections, and keep the points?

As an employer I can tell you that I'm much more interested in the student who cares about quality work, who pays attention, corrects errors, and efficiently saves points. As for the student who ignores this information and instruction -- to me, that's a student who either doesn't care or doesn't know any better. And in both cases that student is not as employable. 

Assignments: Use Only English Language Formatting

If you submit assignments in the format below, the assignment will not be accepted and your grade will be zero. If you do not know how to submit written material with left to right formatting, and no justification on the right margin, then go to IT, or a colleague, and learn how!

Swipe Only One Card: Your Own!

It's been brought to my attention that some students are swiping cards for students who are not attending classes. Please revisit item #8 in this article: "My GUST Attendance Record Is My Responsibility."

I repeat: It is dishonest to swipe a card (or record attendance in any other way) for a student who is absent. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Don't do it!

Related to this point: Students sometimes swipe cards for friends who actually are in attendance, but for whatever reason don't come forward themselves to swipe their cards. To avoid any confusion (or suspicions), swipe your own card and tell your friends to do likewise.